The guys call UCC Champion Ken Bruner to discuss his journey to UCC, his experience at the event, and the build that earned him the trophy. Holman shares his latest road adventures, and Lightning is thrilled to debut some new TSP music. The Truck Show Podcast is proudly presented by Nissan in association with Banks Power and AMSOIL.


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Jay “Lightning” Tilles (0s):

Holman. What if I told you that we had Ken Bruner the champion from this past weekend’s am Zo Ultimate call Out challenge on this episode.

Sean P. Holman (11s):

I would say that’s awesome. And he possibly had a very slightly tiny, better weekend than I did.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (16s):

What happened to you?

Sean P. Holman (18s):

Oh, I just flew out with some friends and hung out with Brooks and Dunn and got to go on stage and stuff at a concert.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (23s):

Oh yeah, I saw that. Awesome. I saw you flashing your all access pass. Yeah, that was, you’re not supposed to do that, by the way.

Sean P. Holman (28s):

I don’t care

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (29s):

When you’re giving an all access pass. Yep. Don’t care. It says right on the back, no photos of the

Sean P. Holman (32s):

Past. This, this does not say that.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (33s):

It it normally they do. They don’t want you flashing those

Sean P. Holman (36s):

Around. They said, here go anywhere. You know what’s funny is the guy who is sort of like the manager, I’m like, Hey, so can I go on stage and get some photos? He goes with that all acts as passed. I don’t care where you go, just show him that. Unless it’s me and I tell you no, then don’t show me that past. Okay. Funny. It was great.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (54s):

So Brooks and Dunn, that’s a name that I have not heard uttered in quite some time now. I realize that they are relevant still in circles,

Sean P. Holman (1m 1s):

But are you kidding me? They sold out 30,000 people.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1m 5s):

Yeah, I just feel like

Sean P. Holman (1m 6s):

It’s you, you’re not in that genre. I,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1m 8s):

I think that’s probably right.

Sean P. Holman (1m 9s):

That it’s, it’s, it was awesome. So a good friend of mine is was childhood friends with KS Brooks, and so we got invited to be his guest. So we flew out to Salt Lake City and had dinner with him at Ruth’s Chris. Just our little group and him is awesome.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1m 25s):

A lot of, well just slow your role for a second here. What? This is the same guy that’s an entrepreneur and struggling and scraping every nickel together. And now you’re, you’re flying in first class and you’re eating at Ruth Christ and you’re, you have an all access pass to, to

Sean P. Holman (1m 39s):

Brooks and, and Dunn. See I use my Delta miles. Wait,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1m 41s):

Wait, it’s not Brooks and Dunn. What do they call

Sean P. Holman (1m 42s):

Again? Brooks and Dunn. Brooks and Dunn. So

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1m 44s):


Sean P. Holman (1m 44s):

Don’t even know the name of

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1m 45s):

Men. Well, I was, I was about to see like, what’s the, what’s the men’s clothier? Brooks Brothers. I was about to call the Brooks Brothers. This is why

Sean P. Holman (1m 50s):

The story is’ irrelevant for you.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1m 52s):


Sean P. Holman (1m 52s):

I use my, my copious amount of delta miles and hung off with my rich friends. It was great. So anyway, so we had had dinner with him. Super cool guy, super gracious. And so we leave dinner, we get a, a group photo and he’s like, Hey, you wanna come back to my coach and have a nightcap?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (2m 6s):

And we’re like, what? Whoa, seriously. Wait, hold on a second.

Sean P. Holman (2m 11s):

So we go on. Was it weird? No, it was awesome. So we go on his coach, would

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (2m 14s):

You like to come back to my coach for a night? So we

Sean P. Holman (2m 16s):

All got on the bus and he pulls out this whole thing of booze. He goes, whatever you guys want. And we sat there and we spunt yarns for a few hours and then he goes, oh guys, I gotta a golf date in the morning, so I gotta, I gotta go to bed. So he kicks us out and then the next day we go to the venue, get our, our passes, we got free range wherever we wanna go. Food. Did you

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (2m 36s):

S soundcheck

Sean P. Holman (2m 37s):

Everything. Saw soundcheck, two great bands. Ernest and David Lee Murphy who? David Lee Murphy is kinda like a Chris Stapleton type who wrote everybody else’s songs for, and he’s, both bands were super, super great and so saw them and then we, we get a text from kicks, he’s like, Hey, you wanna come back on the bus and hang out before the show? So we hung out, drank with him, all that stuff. And then it was awesome. Were

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (3m 2s):

They drinking, like getting lit up or just having a, a couple of

Sean P. Holman (3m 4s):

Cocktails? No, we were, no, we were just hanging out talking. It was awesome. And then we

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (3m 7s):

You’re not walking like sideways like, Hey, that was a great drive on the bus. No, I, I like rocks stars

Sean P. Holman (3m 13s):

Wrong with you.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (3m 13s):

No, don don’t know. I didn’t Do you control yourself? Did you fan boy out on ’em?

Sean P. Holman (3m 17s):

Yeah, I, I got into his bed and said, you know, be my husband. What are you talking about?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (3m 22s):

No, I didn’t say Were you like

Sean P. Holman (3m 23s):

That? A friend of a friend of mine was gracious enough to invite me to an experience to meet somebody that’s a huge talent and happens to love cars and things like that. And we talked about that kind of stuff. And he’s got a winery in Tennessee. We talked about his, his you kind of entrepreneurial stuff he’s doing in other places. And then before the show we got invited, the, the band before the show has their own bar in like a hard case that they bring out and the whole crew takes a shot before the show.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (3m 51s):

Tell me it’s in like one of those guitar cases, like in the foldout, like No, it’s

Sean P. Holman (3m 55s):

In a hard case. It’s like one of those the hard

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (3m 56s):

Like a road case? Yes. Oh, it’s an actual that’s

Sean P. Holman (3m 59s):

And so, so we all took a shot and then they went on. Well we got to go on stage and watch them come on stage and start the show and then Kix got us these killer seats like dead center right up front and it was awesome. All

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (4m 10s):

Right. Well I don Dunno, how does Ken Bruner UCC Champ and Brooks and Dunn, like how do they balance each other? I don know.

Sean P. Holman (4m 16s):

Well the reason I brought that up was not to, to humble brag about my experience with Brooks and Dunn. Sure. It made me a little bit, I just brought it up because this is funny. So one of the guys who went with us, there were four of us who, who took the trip out there, Sam, he’s like, Hey, we’re in Salt Lake City, really wanna go by Ken Dick’s place. Do you guys mind if I, you know, pick up tour tickets and we can walk through Kenigs place? I’m like, yeah, okay. You’re figuring I, you know, we’ve interviewed Kenig and Kev dog before. Yep. We’re figuring out there, there’s no reason for them to actually be there. It’s a TV show. They don’t actually,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (4m 47s):

Of course they do. I think they work there. So

Sean P. Holman (4m 49s):

We go there hanging out on the wall is every magazine article, you know, on the, on the, what do they call

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (4m 56s):

It? The wood,

Sean P. Holman (4m 57s):

I guess the wooden plat? Yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (4m 58s):

So if you guys have ever built a show car, anyone that’s ever built a show car and it’s been in a magazine and actual printed magazine, people

Sean P. Holman (5m 4s):

Will call you. You

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (5m 5s):

Order within, within days of it being printed, you get a call that says, would you like to buy the spread? Yeah. Your magazine spread on a wood plaque covered in epoxy. Yeah. And, and everyone gets suckered into doing it. Well, well his whole and and then his whole, and then you end up like for all the nice auto shops that to build show cars, they put ’em all over the wall. There’s walls covered. Yeah. So

Sean P. Holman (5m 22s):

He had walls covered and I’m, I know all the authors like our buddy Jason Mulligan and just, I’m reading the bylines going, oh, I know who wrote this, I knew who wrote this. All these great vehicles. And it was kind of weird because it’s sort of like the opposite of the Brooks and Dunn experience like Brooks and Dunn. I’m a nobody who got like parachuted into that. And then at Kindig it’s like, well this is my whole world. And I’m just sitting in the chair watching my friends be all excited about the cars and stuff. And they’ve got their new Ridler award winner sitting there that you’re not supposed to talk about yet. And it was so funny, like how different those two experiences were. So

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (5m 54s):

Now did you see any of your own bylines up there?

Sean P. Holman (5m 56s):

I, I haven’t written any features on a Kindig vehicle. Oh, okay, okay. Which would’ve been cool. I could have gone, Hey guys, I wrote that. But, but

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (6m 2s):

He’s, he’s done a couple of trucks. He has the stars,

Sean P. Holman (6m 5s):

But it was later when I was out of that side of the, I, so anyway, walking through the shop, here comes Kindig walking by and everybody’s like, dude, you should say hi to him. I’m like, he doesn’t remember me from anybody.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (6m 15s):

They’re acting like he’s a celebrity. And like, dude,

Sean P. Holman (6m 18s):

Dude, he’s right there and he’s like talking to the painter and he is mixing. He goes, Hey guys on the tour. And he’s like there working on his, his personal project and blah blah. And he walks over and there was, and I’m like, guys, no he doesn’t, he doesn’t care. Whatever.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (6m 32s):

That’s so funny. There’s, they’re so like fanboy out on

Sean P. Holman (6m 35s):

The Kindig. So he makes eye contact with me and I’m like, Hey Dave. And he walks over and I said, you might remember we interviewed you at sema a truck show podcast. He goes, Hey man, what’s going on? So my friends were like, dude, dude. So he shook my hand and it was so funny ’cause I’m sure he probably you were a rock star. He probably didn’t remember. Yeah. That’s how I fighting that. But, but he, he shook my hand. He’s like, oh yeah man, yeah, enjoy the tour, blah, blah, blah. If he had remembered who I was, he probably would’ve said, oh dude, screw this tour. Lemme give you the real tour. Right. But it wasn’t, and you know, I wanna, and then Kev Dogg was in the back of thought, dude, Kev do’s right there. Go. I’m like, dude, he, none of these guys are, remember that We did a podcast interview at sema. They

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (7m 12s):

Might, they were laughing. That was a good interview. So

Sean P. Holman (7m 14s):

Anyway, it was, it, it was funny because I was in, you know, I was living vicariously through their eyes of how excited they were and it was still cool to see his shop is awesome. Right? Like they ended

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (7m 24s):

Up I love how like you were so jaded about that whole scene and

Sean P. Holman (7m 28s):

Not jaded about the stuff. Yeah. Which is like the way you and I would be. Probably so, yeah. Anyway, it was fun. So we, we went to Salt Lake City, had a, had a fun guys’ trip. And I just thought it was hilarious that my buddies were like, dude, it’s kind day. Go say hi to him. And I’m just like, Hey, hi Dave. Hey. And they were all excited, dude. Good job. Yeah. I’ve

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (7m 48s):

Seen every episode totally

Sean P. Holman (7m 50s):

Shook. Oh, I know. And they were, they were fanboying up. Oh, that one car. Oh remember that car back in season. And I, I wondered like, is there anybody like listening to this show that’d be like, oh dude, you remember that one episode? ’cause I don’t even remember what we did after the

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (8m 2s):

Time. Nah, our listeners do.

Sean P. Holman (8m 3s):

But that’s, I just, it’s so weird. And then, you know, it’s, people are like, dude, well they kind of know who, I’m like, listen, I’m on a podcast, nobody knows what I look like, number one. And number two, if I can walk through kindig shop and nobody knows who like the we’re, we’re not famous. We’re just enthusiasts. Like you guys who get to enjoy talking about this stuff and have a platform. So it’s just funny to be out in the real world. don don’t know. The whole thing was just funny. It

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (8m 27s):

Sounds like a good time.

Sean P. Holman (8m 28s):

The juxtaposition between the two experiences within, well

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (8m 30s):

You were out being a rock star. I was at home Signifi

Sean P. Holman (8m 33s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (8m 33s):

Yeah, it was awful. Well,

Sean P. Holman (8m 34s):

I was hoping that you wouldn’t give it to me. ’cause last time we recorded was a day before I left for this trip.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (8m 39s):

You seem healthy.

Sean P. Holman (8m 40s):

I I’m still, I’m still standing. Yeah, that’s great.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (8m 42s):

Still standing I have, I feel like I’m past the point of where I could have diseased you up and you

Sean P. Holman (8m 48s):

Gonna try again tonight? Second

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (8m 50s):

Buy the apple. No, no, no, because I I I feel from from the neck down, I feel really healthy from, from my chin up. Like I’m just still all congested. But what do you do? Like I just can’t get rid of it. I want to get Z-Pak. But I ain’t gonna go stand the line at the doctor’s office.

Sean P. Holman (9m 5s):

I know the feeling. Just sometimes can’t get rid of it. Yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (9m 8s):

Me. Thanks Dick. All right, let’s think Nissan and get into the show.

Sean P. Holman (9m 12s):

All right. It’s time to get into The Truck Show Podcast presented by Nissan. So if you are looking for a truck you wanna head on down to your local dealership, we can check out the frontier or the Titan. The frontier starts at just $30,510 and comes standard with the 310 horsepower, 3.8 liter V six backed by nine speed automatic. And you can get the hard body, which is super retro, or you get our favorite off-Road Frontier, the Pro four x. If you wanna see all the different configurations of the Nissans, head on over to Nissan usa dot com where you can build and price the Nissan frontier that fits your needs. You won’t be disappointed if you’re in the market for The truck. Put that at the top of your list and at least go take it for a Test Drive.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (9m 49s):

And if you’ve got a truck that just doesn’t have enough data on the dashboard, you’re like, I just don’t know what my trans stamp is. Or it’s got a bunch of dummy lights that really you don’t really trust, it’s time to invest in a bank’s ID dash. There’s the ID dash super gauge and the ID dash data monster. The difference being data logging and the data monster. Everything else is the same. You can monitor and set alerts for hundreds of parameters, pressures, temps speeds, velocities, voltages, even calculated horsepower and torque. You name it, it’s on the ID dash. It’s a compact 52 millimeter gauge and it hangs right on your A pillar in a beautiful stealth pod. Head over to banks power dot com to check out the ID dash super gauge or the ID dash data monster. And if you wanna hear more about how it’s being used at a race application, a buddy Ken Bruner winner of the Ultimate Callout Challenge might have a few tips for you.

Sean P. Holman (10m 37s):

Right. He’s coming up and by the way, he also runs Anzo. I believe he was using the Dominator synthetic racing oil in that truck that just won first place at the Ultimate Callout Challenge. And that’s sponsored also by our friends over at AMS Oil. Why Synthetic Motor Oil? Well synthetics have a ton of benefits including helping your engine last longer. The oil itself lasts longer so you don’t have to change it as often, which helps you save money. And don’t forget, AMS Oil is a family owned business and they were the first in synthetics, starting a whole new category for performance lubrication. Head on over to ams oil dot com, type in your year, make model, and see all of the different lubricants that they make for your specific vehicle, including car care products.

2 (11m 15s):

The truck show. We’re gonna show you what we know. We’re gonna answer what The truck, Because truck rides with The truck show. We have the lifted We have the lowered and everything in between. We’ll talk about trucks that run on diesel and the ones that run on gasoline. The truck show. The truck show. The truck show. Whoa Whoa.

3 (11m 47s):

It’s The truck show with your hosts Lightning and Holman.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (11m 51s):

Oh, Holman. Before we get into Ken, before we dial him up. Yeah, I’m very excited to play some new music for you. I. have some truck show podcast exclusiveness for you. Some world premieres. Oh boy. But you gotta wait till the end of the show to get it, so, all right. All right, let’s talk ultimate call out challenge. Let’s call up our friend Ken Bruner, owner of Capital Diesel performance and the winner of this weekend’s event. On the phone we have one Mr. Ken Bruner of capital diesel performance. The winner of the Ultimate call Out Mother effing challenge.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (12m 33s):

Yes. What’s up Ken? Are you still alive after this weekend?

Ken Bruner (12m 36s):

Yeah, barely. I’m just trying to piece myself together.

Sean P. Holman (12m 40s):

Be better you than your truck, my friend. So

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (12m 42s):

What you guys don’t know is that we’re calling him in a hotel room. He’s been driving for like a day and a half and it’s just after the weekend when he took home the, the giant trophy. I assume it’s a big trophy. I saw you guys partying like rock stars, like high fiving each other right after the award was given out. And I want you to take us through how it feels to be the, the new champ at the Ultimate College Challenge, Ken. But first I wanna back up and find out how you got here. How did you get into diesel racing in a, as a Northern California boy?

Ken Bruner (13m 13s):

Well, the story’s pretty simple actually. So my first truck was my dad’s old work truck and it was a 2000 Dodge Ram 2,500. It’s like a second gen Cummins Diesel. And you know, just like every, you know, truck connoisseur, I just kind of like started with one modification, you know, like, oh, just gonna add a air filter. Next thing you know, you’re like, you know what, it’d be cool to add a fuel pump. And then it just kind of spiraled out of control. And here we are racing at the top.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (13m 46s):

So it goes from an air filter to 2,800 horsepower Holman. So

Sean P. Holman (13m 52s):

Talk to me about where this truck was and where it is now. So what’s, what’s the build, what’s the trans, what’s the engine? Is it a five nine, a six seven, a hybrid of the two? What did you do to get it to this level?

Ken Bruner (14m 6s):

Yeah, it’s a, it’s a 2006, so Dodge Ram 2,500 again. So I’ve only owned Dodges man. What, what is done to it? Let’s, let’s just say everything, you know, I’ve touched every single nut and bolt and wire on that truck, The truck. You know, like there is nothing that hasn’t been taken off and put back on except for the cab, I would say. So, you know, we’ve, we’ve done, yeah, I

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (14m 33s):

Was gonna say, so hold, where do you start? Holman? This is a, this is a work of art, so it’s full tube chassis. Right. And don don’t know if there’s any frame left on it, but, so I know a little bit about Ken and he’s got an engineering background. So all of the suspension work, the chassis work is gorgeous. It’s all really well gusted and where a lot of guys are just about big horsepower and he is about the engineering behind it. So I wanted what do you do for a living, Ken?

Ken Bruner (15m 2s):

I’m a mechanical engineer and I design medical devices, things like heart valve replacement devices and therapies where we, you know, kind of, kind of stuff that helps people, you know, come back with from heart failure. So do you put we design mechanical valves and delivery systems billet

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (15m 23s):

Blocks in those people or?

Ken Bruner (15m 25s):

Yeah, yeah, basically we’re fixing broken hearts.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (15m 30s):

So then do you find, as you got into the sport, Ken, and you’re tinkering with your dad’s truck and now your truck and you’re doing local races and sled poles and things like that, do you find that your mechanical engineering background gives you a leg up on the other guys that maybe just are maybe track to repair repairman or just regular guys, maybe plumbers or construction guys who just happen to have some money or a fever for this sport? Because I feel like when I look at your truck versus some of the others, you, you do have a leg up on, on some of the competitors and But I, it wasn’t until recently that you started winning, but you’re, your, your stuff has always looked amazing and I’ve been following you for a long time on social media.

Ken Bruner (16m 11s):

Man, I, I think the experience comes from breaking stuff, right? So all of us, you know, me and the other competitors, I would say a lot of us break stuff, kind of evaluate why it broke and then kind of, you know, try to, to fix it. And, but you know, before that happens, what I try to do is, is design it right the first time, right? So try to evaluate, you know, what’s gonna happen and, and, and how I wanna like, you know, prevent any damage. So I mean, do I think it’s an advantage knowing what I do from my, you know, mechanical engineering background? Maybe not an advantage, but like maybe it’s just awareness and, and well don don’t know it, it sure does make it a lot easier when, when You know the why be behind how things work, But I don’t know without just trying to be modest.

Ken Bruner (17m 2s):

don don’t wanna sound cocky, so I I don

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (17m 5s):

Know. No, no, I, I appreciate the, the candor, the honesty. ’cause I think Holman, I met Ken some time ago. I was in Sacramento, California and he was there racing and I’m looking at The truck in the parking lot and it was just, oh, it was just incredible. And he had some random sensors around The truck and I went up and said, Hey, I’d love to supply you with all the sensors you need for this. And that’s when I had just started out with banks like 20, well that turned out to be a smart move. It was because there’s a big banks logo on the side of this truck up on, you know, on on the dyno and, and every, so I’ve got it, it did turn out to be wonderful, but, but it wasn’t just like, he didn’t just win right me right away. It was the only orange truck.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (17m 45s):

A lot of ’em were silver, black, blue, whatever. But like this one really popped. And the attention to detail on this truck was just, it was mind blowing. There wasn’t just like, you know, when You go to Seema Holman where you find a show truck, like a Roadster shop build or any of those really high-end builds every nut and bolt, every piece of all the chassis work is just you, you ooze over. And that this truck was that he wasn’t the fastest one out there, but like there was so much engineering, I could tell, I could tell and so much love that went into this truck.

Sean P. Holman (18m 15s):

But when You see The truck itself, and you look at some of the detailed photos, there’s little things like the, the way the gussets for the bed are constructed, there’s a little bit of design along with the engineering with it, the way that the exhaust leaves the turbo through the Wheel opening rather through a stack in the hood like everybody else. And there’s just a few little kind of fun things you look at. You’re like, oh, that’s kind of cool or that’s kind of different. And it doesn’t look like a cookie cutter to everybody else’s built

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (18m 43s):

Right. And some of the things you wouldn’t think about, like when You think of ultimate callout challenge, you think of the sled pole and you think of the eighth mile and you think of the big Dino run, but you don’t think of suspension. You might not know this, but Holman is like a suspension geek like aficionado. And Ken, you’ve spent a lot of time on the suspension of this truck, which don don’t think most people do, right? Like in, in this sport. Well,

Sean P. Holman (19m 6s):

You need to, because even when I was out running Diesel Power challenge back in the day, a good suspension, a bad suspension is the difference between a truck making it down the drag strip. I mean, you would see axle hops slowing ’em down, destroying parts and you joins and things like that. So yeah, I mean, I think a lot of people think of suspension think, oh, it’s off-roading or it’s, or it’s autocross or it’s jumping. But in this case, suspension really matters even for, you know, the sled pole because you have to be able to handle that weight transfer as the vehicle is is pulling down the sled. Yeah,

Ken Bruner (19m 37s):

I mean we, we did spend a lot of time, you know, kind of checking out or assessing the suspension like the four link for example, trying to find the instant center, you know, exactly where the center of mass is and on The truck, which is a little more harder than you would, you would imagine. I mean, you could front to back, it’s pretty easy to figure out throwing it on four corner scales, but doing it on the don don’t know, I would call it the y axis or top to bottom. You know, trying to find that point where, you know, you go from squat to antis squat on the four link, you know, just a little bit harder to figure out. So we did spend some time looking into that and trying to dial in, you know, where we thought would, would launch this truck. The fa the the best down the, the track, the front was a little less calculated, you know, we just kind of went with an OEM approach and, and just kind of followed the, what, what was on The truck already.

Ken Bruner (20m 28s):

As for, you know, tractor pulling. We just wanted to lock out and make sure that the, the frame was connected to the rear end as, as, as rigid as possible. So, you know, we, we designed the four link to incorporate the bump stops, make them removable of course, and, and just be able to swap back and forth between drag racing and sled pulling.

Sean P. Holman (20m 48s):

This interview is happening so fast after that you aren’t even home yet. Which by the way, where is home for you?

Ken Bruner (20m 54s):

Santa Rosa, California. So we’re a little bit north of San Francisco.

Sean P. Holman (20m 58s):

All right, so you’re, you’re driving all the way back to well north of where we are, but, but same state, but it’s so quick that the results aren’t even online yet. I kind of, two questions. I don’t know if you have your numbers for the drag race Dino day or the sled pole, but did you finish first, second, third? I mean, ’cause I, when I ran Diesel Power challenge, there’s a lot of guys who didn’t have all firsts who won because they were so well-rounded that they were tops in each category. So how did that work out and where, when did you know that you had a chance of taking this thing home?

Ken Bruner (21m 29s):

The first day we ran a 5 29 and it put us in first place right out the gate. We knew we had a pretty strong drag racing setup. The dino was more of the, the concern I would say we, we’ve, we’ve made horsepower in the past, right? But, but not nearly what we would consider a winning number for the event. So, you know, I think our personal best before going into the event was like 1700 horsepower. So

Sean P. Holman (21m 58s):

I have it right here, which

Ken Bruner (21m 58s):

Is not really Yeah,

Sean P. Holman (22m 0s):

Ultimate call out challenge in 2021 you did 1750 3.3 horsepower and 27, 24 0.9 pound feet of torque on the dyno. So what did you hit this year?

Ken Bruner (22m 13s):

We hit I think 28 32. So 2,800 horsepower. We put over a thousand horsepower on top of our last run at UCC.

Sean P. Holman (22m 23s):

That is huge. What was your torque?

Ken Bruner (22m 27s):

I think it was 3,100.

Sean P. Holman (22m 30s):

I mean you just, it just, that’s just silly numbers. I remember, you know, back then in the DPC days you would have 2000, you know, 2,500 pound feet of torque or 22, something like that. And that was a pretty big number back then. But you could feel the power pulses through the concrete floor of the shop on Dino Day. I can’t even imagine what 3000 pound feet of torque. I mean that thing must just wanna just tear itself apart.

Ken Bruner (22m 54s):

I imagine that that’s what it wanted to do. But I think that freedom racing engine, it did not. So,

Sean P. Holman (23m 1s):

So what place did you place on, on the dyno

Ken Bruner (23m 5s):


Sean P. Holman (23m 6s):

Okay, so you, you went into sled pole going, I think we got this.

Ken Bruner (23m 12s):

No, I mean quite the opposite. You know, we, we, so first day one drag racing, we were in the lead by quite a bit. And then on, you know, what I would call day two, I mean we kinda had a two day dino, but usually we would call it day two, Dino Chris Patterson came out with a 3000 horsepower, you know, rating that put him from a point perspective, like a foot and a half difference on the, on the tractor pulling field. So he had to, to get like two feet to feed us in points overall on, you know, on the sled pole day, it was neck and neck the whole time.

Sean P. Holman (23m 54s):

Alright. And now you get to sled pole day and what’s going through your mind when they hook up?

Ken Bruner (24m 1s):

I’m what’s going through my mind, you know, like I’m thinking, you know, my truck has sled pulled pretty well in the past. The next competitor up, Chris Patterson’s got a really nice long Wheel base, which happens to be advantageous on the sled pulling track. So I’m like, we need to hit this with everything we have, but at the same time, you know, be strategic. So our, the way we wanted to do it was throw around 1600 horsepower to the tire and not blow the tires off and, and just kind of free spin like you’re spinning on ice. So we wanted enough horsepower, but not too much that we were just blowing the tires off and not, you know, biting into the ground.

Sean P. Holman (24m 43s):

And you saw the green lights, the flags you get into it. Yep. Walk, walk me through your run. You’re pulling away, you’ve got the sled pulled up Yeah. Attached to the back. At what point in that are you thinking we’re going all the way we got this? Or was there a part maybe halfway or three quarter down the track you’re going, come on baby, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go.

Ken Bruner (25m 5s):

No it. Okay. So the way we did it was we started, we have a manual valve body, we put it in second gear, we s pulled it up, we built up some boost, we started to roll it out and then we just smacked it with everything we had and it just lit up and took off the engine responded very well and it just started singing down the track at something I would believe was like 5,500 RRP M

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (25m 31s):

We had lock up

Ken Bruner (25m 32s):

Second. Yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (25m 33s):

For those of you that don’t know 50, we had

Ken Bruner (25m 35s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (25m 36s):

5,500 rpm.

Sean P. Holman (25m 37s):

A stock, a stock Cummins is like 2,800 red line or something like that, right?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (25m 41s):

Yeah. And, and the power band is like, max torque is 1400 RPM or something, right? Like this is way higher. That’s crazy. The cam you’ve gotta have in this thing.

Ken Bruner (25m 50s):

Yep, yep. And you know, we hit lockup and it still was sounding great. So we then after that we hit third and it just took, it, it, you know, I couldn’t, I was impressed, surprised, happy all at the same time. And we, you could feel The truck and the, you know, we were going fast so we had momentum, but man, when that weight hit the end of that sled, it felt like, you know, we hooked up to a brick house and it just comp, yeah, it really, you know, slowed us down right there at the end. But it was enough to be, you know, the furthest hook of the entire day.

Sean P. Holman (26m 28s):

So did you take first in drag, second of Dino and the first in sled?

Ken Bruner (26m 33s):

Yep. That’s correct

Sean P. Holman (26m 34s):

Man. That’s awesome. So now you’re the winner. It’s taken a lot to get there. I wanna start knowing about some hard parts. I wanna know about the, the, the big mods to the engine. I wanna know what size turbo, what you’re doing for a tune, and then what’s your drive line look like? Because you could put out 2,800 horsepower and, you know, 3000 plus pound feet of torque, but you gotta have axles and u joints and all that kind of stuff. Downstream, transmission transfer case. Let’s, let’s tell people what you did to make this thing bulletproof because

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (27m 3s):

There can be no weak links or you fail.

Sean P. Holman (27m 5s):

Well, if you have one weak link, right, you fail. I mean there’s, there’s, it’s not like you have a fusible link where you’re like, well if that breaks we can fix it. Well if that breaks, you’re done, you’re done. Go

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (27m 15s):


Ken Bruner (27m 16s):

The engine is a 6.7 liter, you know, it’s 6.7 liter displacement, but the block is a Hamilton competition wet block that has been filled solid. So there’s not an ounce of water in it. It’s also sleeved and deck plated. So we’ve got an inch longer rod, which helps with rod ratio and then also reinforces the very top of the cylinder by one inch of billet steel. So no casting at the top where the highest compression is. It’s just a big steel plate that takes all the brunt and then, you know, sleeve down to connect the deck plate to the, the block. So that’s the block and the, the engine.

Ken Bruner (27m 57s):

And for the turbos, we have two Garrett 55 frame turbochargers. We’ve got an 85 millimeter compressor on the manifold and 106 millimeter atmospheric charger for fuel. We’ve got two 12 millimeter dynamite diesel performance, CP threes, what they call super metal injectors. A lot of fuel, a lot of engine, a lot of air. And you know, to put it to the ground, we got a 48 re that’s been highly modified. So, you know, everything inside of it is, is completely gone through. So, you know, upgraded shaft sizes and added clutches in each pack.

Ken Bruner (28m 39s):

Higher line pressures for apply. And then going down to the drive shafts, we’ve got DNR drive shafts, which are 1480, you know, u joints in the, in the rear. It’s an aluminum drive shaft and 1410 steel drive shaft in the front.

Sean P. Holman (28m 54s):

Are you using cryo on anything? Is that something that’s, that people are still doing?

Ken Bruner (28m 58s):

I don’t have cryo on anything. I’ve never had any experience with it, but, you know, I wouldn’t be opposed to it.

Sean P. Holman (29m 4s):

So I’m kind of curious, you, you mentioned that the block’s got no water in it and so obviously this is thing is made for short runs to make a lot of power. Yeah, I mean

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (29m 14s):

It would instantly overheat.

Sean P. Holman (29m 15s):

Well that’s, you know, that’s new to me. So how long can you run it before it gets too hot? How do you cool it? Is it just on the oil circuit and then how often does something like that need to be rebuilt? I mean, you, you stressed it, you won the competition. Is that something that you’re gonna take apart now or is it good for another competition for the next time?

Ken Bruner (29m 33s):

You know, the last time I did it, I had it going for a couple years and, and there was no issues, you know, so we didn’t need to rebuild it. We just kept hitting it and it wasn’t an issue. So we just ran it forever. And, but from a running perspective, you know, it’s only like 10 to 15 minutes that we let the thing, you know, and that’s like, we sit there before running down the drag strip, we run down the track, idle it back to the pits. It’s not a very long, you know, temperature cycle I guess you’d call it. So we try not to keep the heat in it. We try to keep the heat out of it. I think we try to shut it down between like around 180 degrees of oil temp.

Ken Bruner (30m 13s):

There are some cases where people do the same but they just run it with hot oil, But, I. I just like to play it safe and, and, and keep it low.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (30m 22s):

You’re saying that there’s so there’s no radiator, there’s no cooling of any kind? It is, it’s just ambient temp. Right. And then you run it too hard, it gets to 280 degrees or more. You just turn it off and just let it cool. Yeah, over time, I mean, and

Ken Bruner (30m 37s):

Throw fans on it. Yep.

Sean P. Holman (30m 39s):

That’s crazy to me. Yeah, because I i it just is

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (30m 41s):

But, I mean what is the advantage over not having it? So you’re trading strength for cooling, right? You’re trading just sheer,

Sean P. Holman (30m 48s):

Well that’s one less fluid you have to carry. You don’t have the weight of cooling reservoir and things like that.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (30m 52s):

There is that But, I mean? Like what is the, what’s the biggest advantage? Is it just strength over cooling?

Ken Bruner (30m 58s):

It’s strength. Yeah, it’s strength. You know, we’re just trying to make it as solid and rigid as a, as a, you know, member as possible. Basically we wanna back up those, you know, cylinders and, and you know, fill all the, the jackets and just make it as solid as possible.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (31m 14s):

So how do they do that? That’s machined that way? Or you guys actually pour, are you pouring liquid metal into it? No, you can’t be like, that’s insane. It would have to

Ken Bruner (31m 22s):

Be just,

Sean P. Holman (31m 23s):

They run multi lava through the cooling system.

Ken Bruner (31m 27s):

Yeah. There, it’s a block filler. They call it concrete block filler. I would assume that it’s epoxy of some sort. But you know, Moroso sells it. I don’t know what freedom is using, but you know, I’ve never filled an engine, but I’ve seen enough of ’em. It’s, you know, you, I would assume they, they cap the deck, they turn it upside down, they fill it with the block filler, maybe put it on a vibration table to get any voids or air bubbles out of it. Let it dry. And you know, the, there you go.

Sean P. Holman (31m 58s):

Did you think there’s that one guy in the shop, dus who is like, ah, I got a five cylinder, I filled ’em all boss. You wanna get the other, the other ones here, right?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (32m 6s):

Oh, how cool would it be to like put like a, the Easter egg, some kind of like some little trinket in there as it’s, as it’s drying, you know, as it’s curing and it’s like,

Sean P. Holman (32m 15s):

No, you melt down your trophy from previous years, then you fill your block with it, pour it. That’s right.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (32m 18s):

Got it, got it, got it. So we’ve gone through the, the engine, the drive train take us through into the interior and when You and I met you had a bunch of analog gauges and then yeah, you’re like, I I asked you like, how are you logging any of this stuff? You’re like, well we’re not really, and I said, would you like to?

Ken Bruner (32m 39s):

Yeah. And, and I, I’ll tell you the, the real answer that I gave you is we had a bunch of analog gauges and I had a cell phone taped to my roll cage and videoing them as a data, as a data logger. Yes. So that

Sean P. Holman (32m 55s):

Seems, that seems legit. Legit.

Ken Bruner (32m 56s):

That was my, that was my data logger, you know, which, which I’m all about the data and I love, you know, going back through the passes and checking out temperatures, pressures and, and all of it. So we would literally tape the phone to the roll cage and video the, the, the gauges throughout the run and kind of scroll through and see where everything was going. So, which is obviously not ideal.

Sean P. Holman (33m 18s):

So tell me how the bank’s ID dash has changed your life in terms of building this engine and in competition.

Ken Bruner (33m 25s):

I mean it’s the, the big part is, is all the temperatures, right? We, well temperatures, shaft speeds for the turbochargers and pressure ratios, right? So balancing those two turbochargers to get, you know, speed out of both of ’em. Not overspeed one of ’em, but, you know, split the pressure ratio rails between the two is really, you know, the, the data has helped us titrate or, or, or, or balancing the, the, the waste gates. So we try to keep those turbochargers alive and happy. We, you know, don’t let ’em over speed. So knowing the shaft speed and then also the drive pressure and, and you know, boost from each of them is just really beneficial and, and, and helps you dial that in.

Ken Bruner (34m 7s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (34m 8s):

You think those are like rated to like 130,000 RPM or higher?

Ken Bruner (34m 11s):

Yeah, I mean we, we don’t go that high. I mean like we, we, we usually see like 75,000, 70,000 maybe even lower. It really helps to have the compounds and just instead of just a single turbocharger. Yeah, it’s amazing the RPM that they spin.

Sean P. Holman (34m 26s):

Do you think that you could have done this with your analog gauges and your cell phone duct tape to the roll cast?

Ken Bruner (34m 32s):

Absolutely not.

Sean P. Holman (34m 34s):

So there, there’s your banks endorsement right there. Exactly, yes. You not would not have won without having the ID dash

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (34m 39s):

Id dash 80 monsters for the win. Okay. Yeah. Something I wanna ask about. So I’ve never been in a vehicle with more than don don’t know, 800 horsepower and, and so 2,800 horsepower. Now I realize the dyno where you’re really putting it down is you’re not moving, you’re just strapped to it. And your fear is that I’m gonna go for broke. I don’t wanna blow it up. I wanna find out how that is, like how do you decide how far to push it and not paint the crowd with pistons?

Ken Bruner (35m 8s):

You know, I wanted to go into this weekend being conservative. I, my, my, my motto and my, my, I’ll have to give my brother some credit. He used to always say it to me. He is like, to finish first, you must first finish. So we all, we, and that’s kind of the name of the game in, in at in the UCC event. You know, like a lot of people, I mean if you look at the dropout numbers like 5, 6, 7 people, like it blew up up engines and didn’t, you know, couldn’t finish the event. So we tried to be conservative and not try to swing for the moon. Now that being said, we put out an insane horsepower number, which was actually kind of unintended.

Ken Bruner (35m 51s):

We kind of got to a point where we didn’t know exactly how much nitrous to, to spray and, and we didn’t, we were kind of lacking experience, so we just sprayed a lot. But what we thought was conservative, we, you know, The truck made, we, we had some private dino sessions with hardware performance and, and that the fleece, you know, building and we made around 1700 on fuel only. Wow. And, you know, yep. So we made 1700 horse fuel only, which was, you know, really good for us. We just knew that, you know, what nitrous we had available and we, we, I would say now Ryan’s my tuner is gonna kill me when I say this because he wanted every drop that I had available, But I would say I put 80% of it.

Ken Bruner (36m 42s):

So, so, you know, we had four stages of nitrous with huge nozzles. I mean like, like we had a quarter inch nozzle on or jet on one of them. It was really out of control how much nitrous we put into it.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (36m 59s):

Holy macro. So how many, how many bottles was that?

Ken Bruner (37m 2s):

We had two 20 pound bottles with dash 10 feed lines going to the solenoids. Oh yeah. And then the solenoids, you know, have 6:00 AM go into the jets and I don’t know if the, the company’s in business anymore or what’s going on, but, but they’re, it was called, they’re, they’re called mega jets and they’re, you know, your typical brass jet could almost fall through the dang thing. You know, the whole body can fit through the orifice of these mega jets. Does

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (37m 34s):

It just look like a hose nozzle, like a garden hose? Yeah,

Ken Bruner (37m 37s):

I mean essentially you just have different sized garden hose nozzles on these things. Walkers the timing is the real key, right? Like if you just spray all of that and you backfire, I mean, there goes your engine, right? And

Sean P. Holman (37m 53s):

Anyone’s standing behind you

Ken Bruner (37m 55s):

Progressively. Yeah. Yeah. Right.

Sean P. Holman (37m 56s):

Could you imagine backfiring when the sleds back there and you blow the sled straight out the back of the arena? Well, no, we

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (38m 1s):

We’re talking about dyno right now. No, I know

Sean P. Holman (38m 3s):

We are, but what I’m saying is you hit the nitrous button, the whole thing just explodes. Boom,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (38m 8s):

It’s gone. Blows

Sean P. Holman (38m 9s):

The whole sled right

Ken Bruner (38m 9s):

Off. Yeah. And that’s what I was so worried about. Yeah. I mean we didn’t wanna, we just put this engine in and the last thing we wanted to do was take it, you know, out in and do it again. Thousand pieces, you know. Well,

Sean P. Holman (38m 20s):

I guess I guess since you’ve got a, a front Wheel, well exhaust exit, you would just spray everybody on your passenger side just vaporize ’em all with a, with a garden hose of nitrous be dumped.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (38m 33s):

So then how do you know then, Ken, when to hit, you’re up on the dyno, and by the way, this is a raised din. Yep. Right? It, it’s like six feet off the ground and it’s basically on the back of a semi-truck. It’s one of the mobile Dinos. So the crowd’s got a really good view from the, from the grandstands. You guys have seen this on YouTube before where like, I think it wasn’t dynamite diesel industrial injection, I think famously blew up their truck a couple years ago. And, and some other guys have done it too, where the, the engine just explodes into a ball of flames. You had to be worried about that. At what point do you hit the button and how long do you hold it? Like how do you time that? Is it, is it RPM? Is it full load? What, where, where are you and how do you know

Ken Bruner (39m 13s):

The strategy we wanted to do was, so, so lemme back up a little bit. So the points, it used to be horsepower plus torque. And since that torque value was such, you know, like you just added the two together to get points, you had to hit it from the basement as well as we would say. Hmm. So you would spray all that nitrous down low and it was a gamble. Now the, the, the rules have changed or the point system has changed it’s horsepower only. So the strategy was let’s make less torque, be easier on the components and spray it higher and just use RPM to give us the higher power.

Ken Bruner (39m 57s):

Gotcha. So we, we, you know, we all know that, you know, horsepower is a rate of torque. So the game is to make more horsepower with less torque, you gotta spin it faster and it’s, you know, less torque on the components. It’s easier on ’em, right. So we went up to around 3,200 RRP m and that’s when we decided to spray it. We also wanted to ramp things in. So, you know, instead of spraying everything at once, we had, you know, a series of stages, you know, ramp in over the run. And then we knew from our private, you know, dyno session that the peak horsepower was around 43, 4200 RRP m So on the dyno there is a monitor where you can see RPM.

Ken Bruner (40m 43s):

So that’s basically what I went off to. I said, you know what, I know I wanna initiate all this nitrous at 3,200. We put it in that, you know, a certain amount of boost and ramped ’em all in. And then once I saw 30 or 4,300, I just let go. And I said, you know, no more. There’s no point in carrying it out after you, you know, crested and, and you’re on the downhill of horsepower.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (41m 3s):

And that’s automated. So it ramps it in automatically or you do, you have like a multistage where you’re stage one, you know, thumb one, thumb two, you know, then reach in, gimme thumb

Ken Bruner (41m 13s):

Number three. So Yep, yep, exactly. So no, we we’re running a, a nitrous controller where it stages in according to boost. So that’s what stages them in, you know, like 30 PSI stage one goes on 30, you know, two PSI or 40 Ps, you know, basically different stages come on with different boost levels just to, to ramp them in, in a series.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (41m 37s):

And what does The truck run on? Are you in Motech? Haltech? What are you doing?

Ken Bruner (41m 41s):

We’re we’re on just the OEMs cm No way. At the 8 49. Really? Yeah, I know we’re balling on a budget. don don’t know. We everyone’s running these cool every it was funny because I know there’s a lot of other competitors. They have the real cool, you know, motech systems and stuff and that would be, you know, a dream to have one day. But yeah, we’re, we’re on the factory, you know, controller and it didn’t let us down.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (42m 8s):

I mean, I guess, I guess you don’t need, you know, a a $15,000 motech system if the factory

Sean P. Holman (42m 14s):

Is job. But if somebody from Motech is listening and wants to crown the champion with the mo motech parts, so this is your perfect opportunity.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (42m 22s):

I work with David over there in, in the US part of a motech. And I can tell you they don’t give much away. No, they don’t. They’re sought after. So is Ryan Milliken your tuner?

Ken Bruner (42m 31s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (42m 31s):

Okay. So Ryan Milliken owns hard weight performance. They’re out of the, the panhandle in Florida. And that dude is talented. Like he’s really, really

Ken Bruner (42m 39s):

Good. Oh yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (42m 41s):

And so were you guys, yeah, I mean were were you remotely, was he remoting into your truck while you were in Santa Rosa as you were getting ready for this?

Ken Bruner (42m 48s):

Well, Ryan has a base tune and he knows, you know, 90% of what you know, needs to be done. So basically what we do is we do some, some remote tuning, we do some spool up testing, just, you know, to make sure the, you know, the engine is getting up on top of the, you know, converter and, and, and we’re, we can spool the chargers up, you know, we can, we, we log that and we send it back and forth and he could figure out most of it there. But the dyno session, you know, I just, it’s, it’s hard to be in person testing and, and to be able to hear it and, and you know, see what’s going on. So most of it was in remote, but you know, being able to do it in person a couple days before the event was just gold.

Ken Bruner (43m 31s):

You know, it was just great to have it on the dyno and, and run it through and, and, and listen and come up with a, actually even like a dyno strategy, you know, like, ’cause there’s different ways to run that dyno. Do you, do you put the brakes on? Do you load up the engine before the dino does? Do you load it up, you know, with, there’s just so many different techniques. So we kind of came up with that strategy as well.

Sean P. Holman (43m 55s):

Talk to us about your Amsoil sponsorship and what you thought about using AM oil had, had you used it before? Was this your first time? Did you switch from somebody else? And what did the oil look like? Did you take a look afterwards or you haven’t got to that part yet?

Ken Bruner (44m 11s):

No, I haven’t, I haven’t got to that part yet. I, I was talking with Amazon, I’d like to get it tested. Heck yeah. But we’ve always ran the oil severe gear, you know, it’s great stuff. Never had an issue, knock on wood with any of our differentials. Just, you know, fantastic fluid. We just recently went to the dominator oil and, and the engine, you know, freedom Racing Engines highly recommended it. They, they used it for their break-in, so we continued it with the tra you know, the oil for all of it. We used, you know, their dominator fluid and then we went to their A TF, which we didn’t have a real transmission failure all weekend. So, you know, I think that that speaks for itself.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (44m 52s):


Sean P. Holman (44m 53s):

It’s amazing to see, you know, a a a drive line stre, you know, stressed all the way to Lighting will hate this 11 tenths. And to have a fluid manufacturer have something that can keep up with the hard parts that you’ve, you know, put together.

Ken Bruner (45m 7s):

Yeah. It, it really is. You know, I, I I really want to, you know, put that oil in, you know, get it or run it through its paces and get it checked out and just see, see what it comes back. Now

Sean P. Holman (45m 20s):

Have you done that in the past with other oils? Have you, so do you know what and after competition might look like where you can compare the two and, and see, you know, what’s changed?

Ken Bruner (45m 32s):

Y yeah, and, and honestly in the past, mostly what I’ve seen is how many shop towel fibers I have gotten into that engine,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (45m 39s):

Which you’d be surprised. Really?

Ken Bruner (45m 42s):

Wow. You know, it’s, they, they kind of makes you feel guilty after when You get an analysis back and it’s like, we found all these shop towel fibers and I’m like, oops, how did that happen? Oh my God. Yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (45m 53s):

So you’ve been sending it off to like Blackstone Labs or one of those, right. And now I know that Amsel has their own service as well and Mark Olm, who’s one of their engineers was out at Amsel. I’m sure he would be happy to help you get that data back and hopefully it wouldn’t be as embarrassing as the first time with shop towels. Yeah, it’s

Sean P. Holman (46m 13s):

Kinda like when You get your pancake out and they found, find out that they left, you know, some sort, sort of surgeon cloth inside you. Oh crap, we gotta go back in.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (46m 21s):

Yep. Who was telling us that story? A wholeman was just, oh, when I was out at the brad level was telling me that he was doing a race and he was hearing a clanking. He’s like the whole race, he’s hearing clank, clank, clanking. He’s like, it feels like there’s a socket wrench or something, or there’s a socket in the transmission. And he’s like, I told the mechanics as they laughed at me, got back, they tore the trans apart, they found a 10 millimeter in the transmission. So now we

Sean P. Holman (46m 42s):

Figured out where 10 millimeters gonna die.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (46m 44s):

They’re all going to the transmission. Last thing here, Ken, is that eighth mile drag? I’m gonna play a clip of it right here.

6 (47m 3s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (47m 7s):

That’s insane. One more time. One more time. Eighth mile. Here we go. Oh my god, I’m getting nervous just watching this. Dang. So that run right there, virtually no smoke, which I thought is like from the school of Gale Banks, but also it looks freaky. I mean, it’s so fast. Tell me about being in the driver’s seat eighth mile with minimum of 1700 horsepower. Did you do nitrous on that run?

Ken Bruner (47m 44s):

Yeah, I mean we, we didn’t do nearly as much nitrous as the dino, but it is still enough to feel like you are attached to a rocket. It, you know, one of the, the other things is like the, the shifting on that, you know, we shift at 5,000 rpm on every shift and you know, to test that, you can’t really test that anywhere. You know, like you just hope it’s gonna hit the shift and it doesn’t miss and just skyrocket. Like you can’t put it on jack stands and test if it at 5,000 rpm, you know, and then hope it shifts through the gears. So, you know, when we go to the drag strip and we put all the shift points in, you just kind of really hope it hits ’em.

Ken Bruner (48m 30s):

So it obviously it worked out great for us. We had one pass where we missed a shift and we kind of found something in the software, but man, when it does hit the points, it is like riding a bull, right? You are just going, the acceleration is unreal.

Sean P. Holman (48m 46s):

And then I’ve got one last question. What is your tow rig and how miserable is it to drive home after feeling a 3000 horsepower rocket strapped your butt?

Ken Bruner (48m 57s):

You know, it’s, it is way slower. So, but

Sean P. Holman (49m 3s):

Did, is it a ram?

Ken Bruner (49m 4s):

It does feel like you’re, yeah. Yep, we got a 2018 Ram. Do

Sean P. Holman (49m 9s):

You yell at it? Going up? Bills going, don’t make me tear into this one. Like the one behind you.

Ken Bruner (49m 15s):

No, I, I honestly have been like just trying to fight myself, but man, I know you guys offer some products for it and I’m like, man, it’s almost time. It’s almost time

Sean P. Holman (49m 27s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (49m 27s):

I’m surprised I didn’t get a text message. Like, I need to get a pedal monster. Well,

Sean P. Holman (49m 32s):

We know a guy. We know

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (49m 33s):

A guy. Well, listen, Ken, what an accomplishment. Congratulations. Congrats. For sure. 2024. Ultimate call out Challenge champion that

Sean P. Holman (49m 40s):

Be the AM oil champion. Oh, sorry. Ultimate call out

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (49m 42s):

Challenge. Okay, let’s start again. You do it, do it in your English official voice. Do you

Sean P. Holman (49m 46s):

Have that my, my English? No, don don’t. No,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (49m 48s):

I want you to do it in English. Accent.

Sean P. Holman (49m 49s):

I don’t think I can do an English

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (49m 50s):

Accent. Really? Why not? You do an English accent. How about Australian poorly?

Sean P. Holman (49m 54s):

I do Australian. They’re, they’re all bad.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (49m 57s):

That’s why I want you to do it. Gimme some a gimme some Aussie. The 2020 fold. No, I can’t do it. Good.

Sean P. Holman (50m 3s):

Wow. What, what you do at that way.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (50m 5s):

I don’t even know what that is. That was way funnier. All I do, all I do is the southern accident and I do portal. You did I do

Sean P. Holman (50m 10s):

It poorly. And you do do at that point all here we go. What, what are we doing?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (50m 15s):

2024 Ultimate call out Challenge Champion Ken Bruner Capital diesel performance.

Sean P. Holman (50m 20s):

I can’t do it. Yo,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (50m 21s):

What are we talking

Sean P. Holman (50m 22s):

About? That’s too many words.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (50m 23s):

No, you can do that. Gimme a shot.

Sean P. Holman (50m 25s):

And his name’s Ken Bruner. And from the Azo Ultimate call Out challenge presented by KT performance,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (50m 36s):

He’s, no, he’s the winner. He didn’t say that. He’s

Sean P. Holman (50m 38s):

The champion. Well, I did whatever. He’s the champion that was

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (50m 40s):


Sean P. Holman (50m 41s):

That this is dumb. He wants to go to bed and we’re playing game with them.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (50m 46s):

I know. Ken, you’re the best. Thank you very much for hanging out with us. Get some sleep, get back on the road and get over to Santa Rosa and then enjoy that trophy. Is it a big trophy? Did he even get it yet? Is it like four foot tall?

Ken Bruner (50m 56s):

It’s taller than I am, man. It’s crazy.

Sean P. Holman (50m 59s):

All right, well, well we wanna see a, a picture of you standing next to that thing and hit Lightning up. when You get back, he’ll get you all sorts of banks parts for your truck.

Ken Bruner (51m 8s):

Awesome. Thank you guys.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (51m 10s):

All right. Really.

Sean P. Holman (51m 11s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (51m 12s):

Get some sleep. We’ll talk soon. All right,

Sean P. Holman (51m 13s):


Ken Bruner (51m 14s):

Sounds good. Bye. All right. Later

Sean P. Holman (51m 19s):

Am Ultimate call Out Challenge presented by kt, performance champion winning Ken Bruna. One guy in the back clapping

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (51m 37s):

With a wooden arm. I got nothing. Two wooden hands. I

Sean P. Holman (51m 39s):

Got nothing. It’s late. It’s late in the day. Ah, it’s funny. Ah,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (51m 43s):

All right. It’s email time.

2 (51m 46s):

You email? Yeah, I email Do it. We email. That’s right. Everybody email. Type it up. You email proofread. I email send it. We email. Click it. Everybody email. Holy

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (52m 2s):

Mackerel. Dude. You gave me a pile of email or

Sean P. Holman (52m 6s):

Just No, it’s actually just one, one email with Oh, that’s

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (52m 8s):

Just one dude.

Sean P. Holman (52m 9s):

Well, 12 pages.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (52m 10s):

Oh wow. Look at the, the, the photo’s actually printed properly now they’re huge. I can see them for the first time ever and the type is large enough for me to read. All right. So the first one is from Winter Douglas Lighting and Holman. All right. So if You Heard the last episode, I chastised you for not putting in two ends in Lightning. So he writes Lighting

Sean P. Holman (52m 33s):

Not consecutively

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (52m 33s):

And Holman. Yep. Well gentlemen, I’ve been a listener for over a year and I’ve enjoyed your banter each episode, but not once have I seen a sticker in my local area repping The, Truck Show Podcast

Sean P. Holman (52m 46s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (52m 48s):

Attached or some picks of Lightning’s favorite. See that time he spelled it right, attached her some picks of lightning’s. Well, because he

Sean P. Holman (52m 53s):

Wass was making fun of you in the beginning. I know he was exactly down to business.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (52m 56s):

Now he’s got it. Yeah. Anyway, I’m attaching pics of Lightning’s favorite wheels on his 1988 Desert runner hard body parked next to me a few weeks back and that is awesome. Did you see that photo? That is a very cool desert runner. Red, white and blue desert runner Nissan hard body, freaking awesome. Also, I’ve got pics while I’m driving of, dang. There’s one more frontier, A red frontier, a gray frontier and best of all is a picture of my first vehicle. A 19 84 7 24 by four king cab. Nice. Which I purchased used for $4,000 at 16 years old back in the early nineties. It’s

Sean P. Holman (53m 31s):

Probably still being driven right now.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (53m 32s):

It might be. I’ve been a Nissan lover ever since and I’ve enjoyed the quiet domination it has over the mid-size market. And he is got photos of this really sweet. Is it probably baby blue of that? It’s

Sean P. Holman (53m 43s):

Like a silvery blue metallic.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (53m 44s):

It’s really cool. Silver blue metallic. Yeah. And I love how he’s taking a photograph of a photograph. Well, because

Sean P. Holman (53m 50s):

You didn’t have an iPhone back then.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (53m 51s):

No, there’s no iPhones back there. Exactly. Look at this gold. What wheels are those? Do you suppose

Sean P. Holman (53m 55s):

Those would be American racing outlaw twos, which is a very classic Wheel, especially back then.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (53m 59s):

Yeah, that’s a good looking truck. I’d rock that today. PS always wanted a license plate frame. That said my other ride is your mom big fan Winter. DAKA. The angry snowman.

Sean P. Holman (54m 12s):

Okay, well I got a question. Are you saving that email to send him a sticker since you sent you so much Nissan in front of your goodness? Yeah, I

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (54m 18s):

Probably should. All I need is or

Sean P. Holman (54m 20s):

Will you ghost him?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (54m 21s):

No, I’m gonna send just this page is all I need. ’cause that’s got his coasta me address winter. I am gonna send you some stickers. Yes.

Sean P. Holman (54m 27s):

Oh that’s interesting because we got,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (54m 28s):

It’s unlike everybody here. Yeah, I know.

Sean P. Holman (54m 31s):

I know. Trevor Nero says ghosted by Lightning. I hit Lighting up for some bank sexy time DM action and never heard anything back. I must what? Must not be his type That’s

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (54m 41s):

He has not, no way that that

Sean P. Holman (54m 42s):

Happened. Lighting, you also ghosted me on frontier spotting too. That’s possible. Rolling eye emoji. So Trevor, who emails us all the time, super fan of The Truck. Show Podcast. You’ve denied him twice. So

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (54m 52s):

Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait. Give give that to me. I denied him about banks parts. Yeah.

Sean P. Holman (54m 55s):

He says you never got back to him in the dms. So do something like that.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (54m 58s):

Oh, dms. Yeah.

Sean P. Holman (54m 59s):

Well why do you say it like that? That’s how you told people to communicate with you Trevor. That’s like, if you said, Hey, call my number, here’s my digits. And then started you. Two months later, that person goes,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (55m 7s):

You’re like SL into Lightning’s

Sean P. Holman (55m 8s):

Dms. That person goes two months later they’re like, Hey dude, you never called me back. You’re like, phone call, phone number, phone. Huh?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (55m 17s):


Sean P. Holman (55m 17s):

That’s what you told me to do.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (55m 18s):

Telephony. Interesting. Yeah. Alright, Trevor, happy to hook you up. Legitimately Happy to hook you up. But I will ask. Please email me. We’ll handle it that way. I’ll even call you. I will phone you Trevor But. I. Gotta get your phone number. We

Sean P. Holman (55m 36s):

Probably have it in the email. It’s,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (55m 37s):

It’s possible.

Sean P. Holman (55m 37s):

You should probably just look for it. Why make the man do more work since you failed him on so many occasions.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (55m 42s):

He’s got time to write. Trevor, hit me up Lightning at truck show podcast dot com. Let’s get you some bank stuff. And this one’s coming in from Wade Goldsmith to oh general email box at Truck show podcast at gmail dot com. Photograph of the mini Baggo, which is a little itty bitty tiny aluminum Winnebago.

Sean P. Holman (56m 1s):

It’s, it’s like shorter than a person, but it’s the scale and it looks super awesome.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (56m 6s):

It is fricking awesome. It’s

Sean P. Holman (56m 8s):

Like fairgrounds.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (56m 8s):

I I’ve seen that. Yeah. It’s, it’s going around everywhere. don don’t know who made it or what the story is. But I. It’s fricking awesome. This

8 (56m 15s):

Is the mini Baggo, a tiny Winnebago tribute built by Toy Factory Fabrication. The mini Baggo is based on a Yamaha G 29 golf cart with a custom aluminum body with working Lighting over an adventure themed interior with a water gun system on the roof. Nice mounting in the rear for an electric mini bike and more.

Sean P. Holman (56m 35s):

Alright, I got this email here from, so I, I found out that our website actually has a communication email correspondence, but it comes to my other email box as a Shopify mailer thing. And so I went and I’m went Oh, we have a bunch of emails from people that are really old Oh. Interest that have emails through the

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (56m 53s):

Website. Wait, they’re old or the emails are old.

Sean P. Holman (56m 55s):

The emails are old coming through the website and so I am going, I funnier

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (56m 59s):

Though if like a bunch of like a hundred year olds, like some, like some old men were saying I’ve been listening

Sean P. Holman (57m 3s):

To you old forever. Well that’s gonna be, that’s gonna be the, the snail mail that we get. So anyway, here’s a few that are kinda old but I’m gonna go, I’m gonna go with it anyway. Just we gotta, you know, we gotta clear these out. So we got this one from, looks like Chris Johnson says

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (57m 18s):

When was it sent? 1998.

Sean P. Holman (57m 20s):

No, October 24th. That’s why I wanna get through these of what year last year. Okay. And he says I’m gonna cut to the Chase Holman teased the roof rack for the 3 92. A few episodes back, break the news. Oh wow. It said on a branded roof rack for my own Wrangler. I was ready to buy it until I heard this little tidbit on your podcast. I’ve been patiently holding off on my purchase way to hear what Holman’s gonna get and why. ’cause I value his opinion. You

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (57m 41s):

Don’t need to answer this ’cause you’ve already talked about on the show and he’s

Sean P. Holman (57m 43s):

Heard it. Thanks guys. He’s actually got the answer. Keep up the amazing work Chris and Kel. Yeah, but somebody’s listening right now. The answer is I went with a Rhino Rack pioneer rack with the backbone system, which allows the rack to kind of go through the hard top and bolt to your tub. Yeah. And to the, and to the roll bar and it works great.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (57m 60s):

Tremor is the subject line from Bart Harkey Lightning at Holman. I was catching up on the podcast today and I’m a Ford guy. So when Holman talked about what a great truck the Ford F-150 tremor was, I thought to myself, Hmm, I never buy new But. I did buy a 2022 tremor last October and I fricking love it. I loved my 2014 FX four until I got this one. Lightning I have not modified this one and I really don’t have any plans to, it’s good. Right out of the box wrong. I did buy the EGR bed cover and it’s fantastic. I had another brand on my truck that was good but not even close to this EGRI didn’t spring for the motorized version.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (58m 42s):

But I love this thing. Thanks for The truck and product reviews. Side note, I also bought a 65 F 100 previous owner. Put a 4 29 Thunder Jett from a 1969 Thunderbird in it. Total hack job, but it runs so nothing immediately planned for it at this time. Other projects in line keep up the great content. Some vintage truck content would be cool. og. Yeah buddy.

Sean P. Holman (59m 5s):


9 (59m 5s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (59m 7s):

And that’s Bart. Oh he owns Georgia Metal Fab.

Sean P. Holman (59m 10s):

He has emailed this before. He’s a long time listener.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (59m 12s):

Yeah, I’d like to see what Bart’s all about. What kind of fab he can do.

Sean P. Holman (59m 16s):

Alright, I’ve got this one here from Creighton Burroughs Wright’s greatest wife ever. Hidden agenda. Hi Holman and Lightning. First thank you for the stickers to all of those out there. Waiting Lightning will eventually deliver.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (59m 29s):

Dude sometimes

Sean P. Holman (59m 30s):

Says I recently,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (59m 31s):

You know, I liked his surprise, you know what I mean? He,

Sean P. Holman (59m 33s):

He’s says he recently turned 50, which is something you did about seven or eight years ago. Almost. Me, Dr. Pepper come out of his nose. Oh that was funny.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (59m 42s):

A little bit came outta my left nostril. I Heard.

Sean P. Holman (59m 44s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (59m 44s):

Was funny. Ouch. I have Dr. Pepper my left nose up. That sucks. That was awesome. Oh my God. Yeah. Wow. I got you.

Sean P. Holman (59m 53s):

Got you. Good.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (59m 54s):

I was not prepared to blow Dr. Pepper through my nose ring. Well

Sean P. Holman (59m 57s):

You’ve been fighting off a head cold for two weeks and so

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (59m 59s):

It’s crazy. Crazy. And I cannot shake. You guys can tell I’m super listen I I know I’m nasally normally. No, I get it, I get it. But this is bad like I have, I’ve had this since like two days before Memorial Day. Yeah. And hopefully

Sean P. Holman (1h 0m 13s):

By hear this, get rid of it. It’s gone. Who cares? Let’s move it on. I’m sorry. It on. Move on. If you’re not dead nobody cares. Oh yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 0m 18s):

I might be then.

Sean P. Holman (1h 0m 19s):

Don don’t know, especially since you’re in your mid sixties.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 0m 22s):

No I’m not. For

Sean P. Holman (1h 0m 23s):

My, for my birthday, my wife and son found a 68 Plymouth Barracuda in a barn in northern California that had been off the road for five plus years. My son and I got it running again to drive and enjoy while we make plans for future upgrades V eight swap four speed manual, et cetera. After we got the Barracuda back on the road, my wife shared her little secret that the car was to keep me busy and leave our beloved 2013 Jeep JK two door alone. The JK has been a passion of mine since we bought it new off the lot with 15 miles. I still can’t believe back in 2013 you could pick up a strip down sport with AC as the only option for $21,000. Over the years, the only thing untouched has been the 3.6 in manual transmission. She knew that I had an itch and as soon as we went to 30 sevens or larger tires, that starts a whole new domino effect that could ruin the charm of our little jk.

Sean P. Holman (1h 1m 9s):

Attached our to pix of our two-door JK on 30 fives has kept up with the guys on forties throughout Moab and the Rubicon Fordice. Gotta love our wives that look out for us and the Jeeps they love. Keep up the good work and thank you for those stickers. Yeah buddy. And that’s from our friend Creighton Burrows and he’s got a picture here of his Wrangler JK on 30 fives driving down white knuckle on the behind the rocks trail in Moab, which is a, which is a killer trail.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 1m 35s):

Yeah buddy,

Sean P. Holman (1h 1m 37s):

Thanks for sharing your story with us

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 1m 39s):

And rounding out the email segment Lightning at truck show podcast dot com. Holman at truck show podcast dot com or truck show podcast at gmail dot com. Dennis Durrell starts off with massive Toyota V 35 A recall Lightning two ends, dude have You Heard. So what is this massive Toyota V 35 A recall Mr. Holman.

Sean P. Holman (1h 2m 3s):

So on I think the last show we were talking about how people were surmising that the stress

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 2m 10s):

That the word stress, that the word no don don’t think so.

Sean P. Holman (1h 2m 13s):

That the stressing of the 3.5 liter V six turbos and all that kinda stuff was shortening their life because there’ve been a lot of failures, more than you might expect from a typical Toyota. And our friends over the drive wrote a story that kind of talked about over square, under square and then horsepower per liter. Torque per liter as Toyota trucks have evolved over the years. Well they, I like the very next day a recall came out and a bunch of listeners sent it over to us and that was Toyota saying that they’re recalling around 102,000, 2022 and 2023 Lexus lx six hundreds and Toyota Tundra trucks.

Sean P. Holman (1h 2m 54s):

And they’re saying the machining debris was left inside the engine that could cause the failures.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 3m 2s):


2 (1h 3m 3s):

That’s not

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 3m 5s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 3m 6s):

Oof. So officially, if you own that vehicle, if you own the A Tundra or a Land Cruiser LX 600, I guess the Lexus version, land Cruiser Lexus LX 600, you’ll be notified in July. But it says the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration has a tool on its website to tell you whether or not your vehicle’s under recall. So you can go there. And then Toyota also has some tools in place if you go online. So it looks like if you just bought one, you’ve got a 2024 Tundra or LX 600, you don’t have anything to worry about. Apparently the issue was found out in fall of 2023, they discovered that the production issue could be traced to a Toyota engine assembly plant in Alabama and was limited to those vehicles that were produced from November 2nd, 2021 to February 13th, 2023 and Lexus LX six hundreds from July 30th, 2021 to November 25th, 2022.

Sean P. Holman (1h 4m 1s):

And so if you are wondering where to find that information, open your door and on your label it’ll tell you your date of manufacturer on this. This is gonna

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 4m 7s):

Feel like a lottery ticket but worse, you know what I mean? Like you’re just

Sean P. Holman (1h 4m 11s):

You what?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 4m 12s):

I won something bad. Yeah. Oh, I’d be scared to open my door jam and look down. Yeah. That

Sean P. Holman (1h 4m 16s):

Sucks. So anyway, just a a follow up. So thanks to all of our listeners who emailed us that little hat tip there.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 4m 23s):

I’m actually excited that we don’t have one of those Toyota products.

Sean P. Holman (1h 4m 26s):

Yeah, I’m sure Toyota is too because there would be one more to fix.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 4m 33s):

Truck show podcast at gmail dot com is the general inbox. If you wanna hit me sliding Lightning at truck show podcast dot com, two ends in Lightning by

Sean P. Holman (1h 4m 40s):

The way. And he may not get back to you or Holman

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 4m 42s):

At truck

Sean P. Holman (1h 4m 42s):

Show podcast dot

2 (1h 4m 43s):

Com. The truck show, The truck show, The truck show.

Sean P. Holman (1h 4m 50s):

You can follow us on our socials at Sean P holden at lbc Lighting at Truck Show podcast. Or you can reach us on the five star Hot Lights 5 7 2 0 5 61 0 5. If you’re looking for events in your area, head over to truck show podcast dot com to our events tab where you can find out all sorts of things that are happening. If you happen to have an event, please email us at The Truck Show Podcast at gmail dot com email inbox and we will add it to the calendar.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 5m 15s):

By the way, were you checking out my Instagram last weekend when I was down at HRE Wheels Open House, I had a flurry of photographic content. It was great. And so

Sean P. Holman (1h 5m 25s):

It’s the first time your social been updated in how long?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 5m 28s):

I mean it’s just, I go these long spurts and I didn’t use to be this bad, but now I’ll do, I’ll do a flurry over like a couple of days and then it’s kind of quiet for a while and then just a flurry of activity. So I’m, I’m really, I’m trying to get back into the swing of things. I know you guys aren’t waiting. Oh, if Hollywood Lighting

Sean P. Holman (1h 5m 44s):

Posters Instagram

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 5m 45s):

Or Facebook, you know, nobody cares. No, they don’t care. They don’t care at all until

Sean P. Holman (1h 5m 49s):

You have something cool then they care.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 5m 50s):

They didn’t really care about the Legos that I posted the other day. I

Sean P. Holman (1h 5m 52s):

Didn’t see the Legos. You know, we’re talking about how it’s relaxing or

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 5m 55s):

Something like that. I, you know what I was, I was still sick feeling like ass and I’m just like, you know what, today I’m gonna build Legos because you had given me the six by six some time ago. Yep. Which I still have to get to my kids gave me a couple of Star Wars ones to build and But I first up in the queue was a four Mustang GT and I have no idea why I bought it. ’cause I’m not a big fan of the gt. I know Gale Banks owns one red white, I think it’s awesome. And red white and his license plate is and blue. So the car is red and white. Right. License plate is and blue

Sean P. Holman (1h 6m 22s):

Red with red with white stripes.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 6m 23s):

Exactly. So I don’t know, maybe I felt like a little bit of kinship just in directly through like to that car through Gale or something. don don’t know. But I bought the blue one when it first went on sale and I bought a a Mercedes F1 car for my brother and he was pumped. I bought it like right after one on sale. Nice. And don don’t know man, like building Legos. It’s just, it’s cathartic, it’s nice And I feel like a kid again, I gotta be honest, like I do a lot of stuff that’s old man. But building

Sean P. Holman (1h 6m 50s):

Groan Legos gro when You sit down or get up. No,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 6m 52s):

Luckily I don’t do much groaning but although I do, every once in a while I catch myself doing the old man thing where you pick something up that’s heavy and you go, huh? And you go, why did I just make that noise? It’s just I didn’t need to.

Sean P. Holman (1h 7m 3s):

No, it’s just something that happens in time. No, but

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 7m 5s):

Why do you, why do you make that noise? I

Sean P. Holman (1h 7m 7s):

Just, you do but

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 7m 7s):

You don’t need to at all. But you do. You could easily just not make that noise. That’s true. And just pick it up. You could pick up the bucket and just, that’s not how the world works. No. But like why do old men make all those groaning noises? Why

Sean P. Holman (1h 7m 16s):

Do we keep making this podcast and

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 7m 18s):

Why do old men fart? Like seriously? I bet Like just recently don don’t wanna say who it was.

Sean P. Holman (1h 7m 27s):

Okay. Moving right along Lightning. But like speaking of noises, let’s get into all of you that sent us know your notes. We don’t quite have enough for an episode yet. Yeah. So please don’t forget to send us your know your notes or hit us up on the five star hotline again. 6 5 7 2 0 5 61 0 5. Also last request for this episode. Please leave us a message and a review on the Apple Podcast app. We really appreciate it.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 7m 53s):

Alright Holman and you’ve waited quite a while for this. I’m going to debut a brand new truck show podcast song,

11 (1h 8m 11s):


10 (1h 8m 15s):

Boys like rock stars. These are dreams on Run here. Stories is fun. Summer fun and summertime. Drive Show Podcast, living Life in the Fast Way. Podcast Pain. Right?

Sean P. Holman (1h 8m 39s):

This a eighties sitcom.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 8m 40s):

What’s going on there? It’s not that bad. Hey. Oh, maybe you’ll like this one a little bit better. We did that one. Oh hold on. Let’s

10 (1h 8m 52s):

Noise and Home Joys. You’ll start to love his boys host like rock stars. Run fun summer. And what do you think

Sean P. Holman (1h 9m 21s):

You’re having way too much fun with AI

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 9m 36s):

Rad. Huh? All right. How cool is that? That’s cool. Freaking awesome. I’m not gonna play any anymore for you. I got other stuff. I mean how much did I, no, I got other did all week. I’m not saying that I’m a genius. I’m saying that this is a good

Sean P. Holman (1h 9m 51s):

Alright well well we need some, we need some jiggles for other things.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 9m 54s):

Oh, I’m well aware. I’ve already started working on ’em. Alright, maybe I’ve got a subscription to this service. Maybe I don’t. Maybe

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 2s):

Who owns the Rice to Host?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 3s):

We do. Okay. Yeah, legit. I did some research. We own these. Great. This is Lightning and a Lightning and Holman production.

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 11s):

That is super weird.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 12s):

Yes it is. Alright,

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 14s):

We are going to

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 15s):

Thank Nissan. Yes.

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 16s):

Our presenting sponsored Nissan for

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 18s):

I’m this Make a Nissan song. Are Nissan Friend Living

10 (1h 10m 23s):

Life at the best.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 26s):

I can’t sing, that’s why I have to sing. Right. Someone do it for me. Right, right.

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 28s):

That wasn’t a person though, right?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 31s):

Maybe it was.

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 32s):

Okay. It’s super weird. All right. If you are looking for a new truck, head on down to your local Nissan dealership where you can check out the Nissan Frontier or the,

10 (1h 10m 43s):

I didn’t

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 43s):

Play this one

10 (1h 10m 43s):

For yet.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 46s):

This looks like totally blink way two

10 (1h 10m 48s):

Right Crowd

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 58s):

Like totally Blink right

Sean P. Holman (1h 11m 1s):

Or needs Nissan tight. Head on down to your local Nissan dealership Nissan usa dot com. Thank you Nissan for being the presenting sponsor of The Truck. Show Podcast

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 11m 9s):

And thank you to Makes Power Purveyor of phenomenal diesel performance parts that you can bolt onto your truck and gain fuel economy or power. And you’re probably looking for power. Head to banks power dot com. Before you do that though, hit me on either the Gram or Lightning at truck show podcast dot com and I will hook a brother up with little something something. So when You go back to banks power dot com, type in your year make and model. You’ll be able to enter this little something something code and save yourself a little something something.

Sean P. Holman (1h 11m 36s):

Alright. And if that’s something, something happens to be synthetic lubricants and car care products, you wanna head over to ams oil dot com where you can find the company that was first in synthetics and they do a lot of research. Quality first Family owned, just an amazing company, amazing products, and the fact that they are the title sponsor of Ultimate Call Out Challenge and

11 (1h 11m 58s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 11m 58s):

Won. Woo. So congrats to our friends over at AMS o and thanks again to Ken Bruner for, for coming on the show and talking about his experience with with UCC and our, we just happen to be aligned with, well, their sponsors and ours.

12 (1h 12m 14s):

Heavenly Father, we thank you tonight for all your blessings. You said in all things give thanks. So we want to thank you tonight for these mighty machines that you brought before us. Thank you for the Dodges and the Toyotas. Thank you for the Fords. And most of all, we thank you for Rouse and Yates partnering to give us the power that we see before us tonight. Thank you for GM Performance Technology and the RO seven engines. Lord, I want to thank you for my smoking hot wife tonight, Lisa, my two children, Eli and Emma, or as we like to call them the little Lord, I pray and bless the drivers and use them tonight. May they put on a performance worthy of this great track in Jesus’ name.

12 (1h 12m 58s):

Boogey Boogey. Boogey. Amen.

13 (1h 13m 4s):

The Truck Show Podcast is a production of truck famous LLC. This podcast was created by Sean Holman and Jay Tillis with production elements by DJ Omar Khan. If you like what you’ve heard, please open your Apple podcast or Spotify app and give us a five star rating. And if you’re a fan, there’s no better way to show your support than dive patronizing our sponsors. Some vehicles may have been harmed during the making of this podcast.

11 (1h 13m 35s):

Blueman and Holman got the engines R loud broadcasted from dirt roads right through the crowd. Every diesel, every pickle. Here I’m Chung. Along all The Truck Show Podcast where the cool rigs belong.

10 (1h 13m 58s):


11 (1h 13m 59s):

Through the how as a taillight Light shining bright on the sunrise in the morning to the hustle of the night. The talking turbo chargers and lows left four by fours. Crank the volume up folks you know are in store. Truck show

10 (1h 14m 22s):

Podcast ready stories

11 (1h 14m 27s):

From the

10 (1h 14m 28s):


11 (1h 14m 28s):

Where the diesel lovers know horsepower if they bring it all to like

10 (1h 14m 40s):


11 (1h 14m 40s):

Home. Every episode

10 (1h 14m 46s):


11 (1h 14m 47s):

With truck truckers who’ve been coast to coast, sharing tales of highways that they love the most. Fuel pumps, hot grease and every tire spin they’ve got low down, they tune right to the, around a whole lot of news from the rig down. Nissan trucks to Chevys you can’t refuse. They got tips for towing

10 (1h 15m 23s):


11 (1h 15m 23s):

Trench to hauling gear. It’s The, Truck, Show, Podcast, all the stuff we want to

10 (1h 15m 30s):


11 (1h 15m 32s):

Truck Show podcast. Ready? Go Stories from

10 (1h 15m 39s):

The road

11 (1h 15m 39s):

Where the diesel lovers know lift horsepower. Bring it all to every episode to Right and whole from some trucks to Chevys you can refuse. They got tips for towing, the trick, the hauling. It’s The, Truck, Show, Podcast. All the stuff we want to hear.

10 (1h 16m 20s):


11 (1h 16m 20s):

Show, podcast, rev it up and go. Stories from the

10 (1h 16m 27s):


11 (1h 16m 27s):

Where the diesel lovers,

10 (1h 16m 30s):

Lovers know

11 (1h 16m 32s):

This gets the horsepower, but they bring it all to life with Latin

10 (1h 16m 39s):
