Once again, the guys are sniffing out great automotive entrepreneurial stories, this time inviting Valvetronic Designs owner Austin Huffman in studio to talk about his universal muffler systems that can quiet an exhaust at the press of a button. Also hear the latest in truck news. The Truck Show Podcast is proudly presented by Nissan in association with Banks Power, AMSOIL, and EGR USA.


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Jay “Lightning” Tilles (0s):

I’ve always had a problem Holman with me telling the difference. No, not you. Oh, I love you. Okay. Between coincidence and irony, they’re very similar. Coincidence? I

Sean P. Holman (12s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (12s):

Think so. No, you don’t think so?

Sean P. Holman (14s):

Irony is, is,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (16s):

Let me paint one for you. Okay. Last episode we had on Andrew Weaver from SoCal Auto Glass Kings, the next morning, right. I’m driving to work and a, it’s not even a cool motorcycle. It was a freaking two 50 a sport bike with a two 50, kicked a rock up at me and chipped my windshield. Okay. Is that coincidence or irony? Well,

Sean P. Holman (42s):

Irony is when there’s a contrast between expected outcomes and then the actual results. Well,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (48s):

Well then my, the expected outcome is that I would never get a chip because I talked to the think about this glass guy. Well,

Sean P. Holman (53s):

I’ll this one coincidence. That’s the highlight of, you know, highlight of randomness. Randomness and the lack of a logical connection or deliberateness in events. So

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1m 6s):

You’re smiling, you guys can’t tell, is this coincidence or irony that the next morning after talking to a glass guy, I get a chip in the TRX windshield.

Sean P. Holman (1m 17s):

What if I told you that irony is what makes stories more interesting? Because it adds surprise and it makes us think differently about what’s happening. While coincidence is something that helps move the stories along by bringing in characters together, setting up unexpected situations that keep us engaged.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1m 34s):

They both apply to this. Not as easy. Right.

Sean P. Holman (1m 39s):

I would say it’s coincidence. Huh? Although, I would say there are no coincidences. So everything is

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1m 43s):

Irony. Is irony. Exactly. Well, so I have to hire the guy that you already hired to do a little, luckily it’s not the whole windshield, it’s just the TRXI called you right after it happened. I

Sean P. Holman (1m 55s):

Don’t remember. You

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1m 56s):

Don’t remember me calling you? I don’t

Sean P. Holman (1m 58s):

Remember ev anything that happened more than five minutes ago.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (2m 1s):

Okay. Well I did I mean it was bad. Not the end of the world. It’s not a big deal. It’s just a little tiny chip. But it’s, it’s, and luckily it’s not at my sight line, but I, I could believe it. I get on the, on the freeway and it’s fucking, I’ve never been had a rock thrown at me from a motorcycle. I watched him play.

Sean P. Holman (2m 14s):

Did you run him off the road?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (2m 15s):

I wish I could have, you know, it was too much traffic. But he, like, he whizzed past me in the carpool lane and literally I see the rock just right from under his tire. I I could see it. I’m like, watch the No way

Sean P. Holman (2m 25s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (2m 26s):

Yep. Yep. Exactly.

Sean P. Holman (2m 27s):

Well, you know, I have this l hate relationship with the internet

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (2m 31s):

Because you can’t tell irony from coincidence.

Sean P. Holman (2m 33s):

No, it has nothing to do with that. it has something to do with just, you go to find information and I, I find it ironic. I’m gonna go back to your iron here.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (2m 40s):

Someone would call Alanis Moris said,

Sean P. Holman (2m 42s):

No call Dave Coulier. I,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (2m 45s):

Because he got her to write the song anyway. Yeah. Look it up. People Look it up.

Sean P. Holman (2m 48s):

I I’m gonna, I’ll, I’ll call it irony. We live in a time at the, where the most information is at our fingertips. Right. We should be able to help each other out the most. And everywhere you go is full of a-holes just trying to win the, like internet, a-hole funny guy trophy of the week. Right. And it’s frustrating ’cause you, you go to these groups and they’re just filled with smart ass responses. So I’ve got a buddy, Jason Aubrey, who started these groups for Wranglers. It’s JL no Bs and jk. No Bs. And if you’re an a-hole and you’re not helpful, he just boots you from the group. So it’s full of like really helpful collaborative people. So like I told you on the last episode, I’m like, I got this starlink mini and I’m trying to research it. I’m trying to figure stuff out.

Sean P. Holman (3m 28s):

And there’s a few sites or groups on

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (3m 31s):

Facebook. If, if you didn’t hear the last episode, starlink Mini is awesome. Satellite,

Sean P. Holman (3m 35s):

Basically what brings the internet and wifi, wherever you go, you can mount it on your vehicle. Like I did in my Jeep. There’s a bunch of different mount companies out there. Like high-speed mounts is where I got mine and all sorts of stuff. Okay, that’s

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (3m 46s):

Whatever. So you’re having a discussion. So I’m trying in

Sean P. Holman (3m 48s):

One of these groups, trying, well, I’m not even having a discussion. I’m just reading. And every comment is like a smart ass. Like, oh, you can’t do just Google or you’re an idiot, or, or spam. It’s every single message is Telegram here date me here. And you’re just like, like wading through this stuff. So I basically just get fed up and I’m like, You know what F it, I’m gonna start my own group. So I started my own group. I I left the starlink mini site and I started my own group called starlink Mini for Adventurers. And I already have 700 people. You’re kidding me. In two days. And all these people were like, Oh, my God, this is great. Thanks for I Did

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (4m 28s):

You invite people? They just found

Sean P. Holman (4m 29s):

You? No, I, I just put, I, I went. And so it turns out the other group’s like, not moderated ’cause it’s a public group. I made a private group. Oh,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (4m 35s):

You went over there and you posted and I, I’m doing

Sean P. Holman (4m 37s):

This over here. I’m like, I’m doing this over here. Come on over here. So one a-hole goes, I like the irony that you’re talking about hating spam by spamming the group. And immediately after he wrote that, a bot spams him. And so then I, I wrote back to that dude and I’m like, I love how no one cares about your hot take, but a bot. You know, just like, whatever. So anyway, so I did this Starling Mini for Adventures and I’ve got, like I said, over 700 people now. And I’ve two days I’ve got this like people from Australia, Africa, the United States, Canada, and all these people are like, Hey,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (5m 14s):

This is when Elon Musk reaches out to you to be an influencer.

Sean P. Holman (5m 17s):

Yeah, right, right. But it’s funny ’cause it’s like all these people are like, they’re all interacting with each other. There’s like legitimate questions. Everybody’s helpful. I’ve booted out one spammer who’s like, Hey, sell you darling cheap. I’m like, boom. Gone, gone out. Yeah. And everybody, I I, I and I posted in there and I was like, Hey, I just want to say like there’s a real admin in here. I’m a real person. Here’s, here’s my background. I had all this like super overwhelming.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (5m 43s):

Oh, so how many people started following you? It was like, how many people friended you? No,

Sean P. Holman (5m 46s):

Not, not very many people befriended me, but I had 39 comments and most of ’em were things like, sounds like I’m in the right place. Thanks for this group. Thanks for the ad. So pleased somebody decided to start this group and intends to moderate a startling group. Seems like all the starlink groups I have are serious spammer, fake account issues. I like the way you think. Thanks for the ad. Thanks. You’re right. Min’s a game changer. So happy you know that there’s no spam in here.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (6m 11s):

So are Hold On right now? Are you spamming The Truck Show Podcast listeners. Yes. About your

Sean P. Holman (6m 16s):

Absolutely group. So, so Blake Sel, right. Who is one of our listeners Yes. Writes Sean is legit. I’ve seen it. So he brings a little truck show podcast love into this group. So I thought that was funny ’cause that was meant for you and you weren’t even there. So anyway, I just, you know, I just got fed up with the internet. I’m like, You know what? I’m just gonna do this myself.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (6m 34s):

I I don’t it in a better place even. I don’t, I I don’t have a use for it right now, but I wish I did. I I want to be part of the club. I’m having FOMO with your starlink.

Sean P. Holman (6m 42s):

I know. It’s great. I’m like all it’s funny ’cause it’s just like there’s no bs so people are like asking legitimate questions of sharing information way

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (6m 49s):

It’s refreshing when you’re on a Facebook group and they actually are helpful. Yeah. Like I am on some, I don’t know what it is. So there’s, there’s, you’ll find the groups where they’re, that doesn’t exist but like L five P durmax is only, yeah. That is 70% of it’s just guys hating on each other. And then everything six, seven Cummins Oh, my lord. It’s just so much s talking crazy. I

Sean P. Holman (7m 10s):

Don’t have time for that anymore. It’s so crazy.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (7m 12s):

And You know what,

Sean P. Holman (7m 12s):

I love it. I just wanna get an answer to something. You

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (7m 14s):

Know what I love about that group. This this ram group that I’m on. Every time someone posts a photograph of like something they purchased for The truck, there’s always the a-hole that goes, yeah, I made my own. Like, no, no, no. It took me two weeks and I go, dude, are you jobless or do you just not value your own time at all? Right. I love when the, the guy will he’ll bitch and moan and tell everyone what an idiot you were for buying something for your truck intake, exhaust, whatever. He

Sean P. Holman (7m 40s):

Goes, I’m like,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (7m 40s):

You should have left it stock. Or I made my own. And it’s like, it only but I hundred hours.

Sean P. Holman (7m 44s):

I wanna go to that guy. Go Did you build your truck also? Yeah. Look. Oh dude built not bottom. I’m like, I’m pretty sure you started by buying your truck. Like you bought your truck from somebody else. You didn’t make that truck. So like at what point do you draw the line and you hypocrite?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (7m 58s):

Yeah, it’s insane. The hate for, so what it is, you immediately, the guy posts and says, I can’t believe you spent all that money on this, on x on this thing. Of course, wheels, tires, intake, exhaust, whatever. And the guys are like, what’s wrong with you? Why can’t he go spend his money how he wants? They’re like, it’s just a waste. He bought into the snake oil. That thing doesn’t do what it says it’s gonna do. And they’re like, yeah, but he’s happy about it. They’re like, yeah, but it’s not okay that he’s being taken advantage of. They’re like, bro, he’s not being taken advantage of. He clearly has the,

Sean P. Holman (8m 27s):

He knows what he did. I said my, my my time is worth more than that product. Buying that product that I know is is validated from a good source that works is worth me doing that and not having spec ’cause I’m too busy. Just tell me what works. There

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (8m 41s):

Are people apparently that have time and because they have time, they don’t value those that don’t have time. It’s

Sean P. Holman (8m 48s):

The, it’s the, it’s the PTA at school. It’s all the people that are at home while their spouse works and they’re just like drumming up trouble over there. Same thing on the forums. I got nothing better to do but stir up the internet. Hornets.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (9m 3s):

It’s funny ’cause he’ll spend, the guy will like spend six, eight hours modifying some hunk of crap part to be in his eyes as good as the one had buck. Yeah. And it’s not but it, wait a minute, bro. You make, you’re, let’s say you’re a a, a mechanic or you’re, you’re, you’re skilled in something else. You get paid 40 to 60 or more dollars an hour. The time you invested you could have bought one. Yeah. Like had you been at work making money but you chose to do it yourself and then poked fun at the guy who actually just the

Sean P. Holman (9m 32s):

Bought it by it. I’m not saying don’t do it yourself, I’m just saying leave other people alone. Right. Like, just be, stop being a-hole. Like everything is like, who can be the biggest a-hole in the group? And I just, it

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (9m 41s):


Sean P. Holman (9m 41s):

So annoying now

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (9m 42s):

You will find that this is a case. I want you all to do this. The next guy that you see hating on people on Facebook, in a group go to his profile. He will almost always not share his real personality. Of course he’ll have memes. It’s just weird. He doesn’t wanna share anything. He’s got nothing on his profile. Like, I wanna see if, if you’re gonna be a real human and you wanna battle me, like step into the ring so I can see your face and they just won’t Well

Sean P. Holman (10m 6s):

That’s just like anonymous letters or I round file that stuff. If you can’t put your name behind it, I don’t care what you have to say.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (10m 13s):

Yeah. But it, but every once in a while you step into the ring.

Sean P. Holman (10m 16s):

I can seen you. I know because

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (10m 17s):

I’ve, I’ve seen you dance with the, I can’t say the full phrase

Sean P. Holman (10m 19s):

Know, but like, I, but it’s true because like sometimes you just need to be done with it and you’re like, all right. And I will, I will go, I’m a writer by trade and I will go to sport with you because it it, it makes me happy. And I will get the last word in and I will go, you think you’ll go for four or five days? I’ll go for three weeks.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (10m 38s):

The last time Holman was at my house, he comes over and he is like, I gotta share this post with you. And he was like 30 entries deep. And he was destroying this guy. He was wordsmithing the snot out of him. He

Sean P. Holman (10m 49s):

Just came, kept coming back. I’m like

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (10m 51s):

Kept coming back. Yeah, but you were, you took the bait and you, you

Sean P. Holman (10m 54s):

You were, it’s not that I took the bait, it’s you were

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (10m 56s):

Wiping the dog’s face in the crap. Like, but it’s, it’s

Sean P. Holman (10m 59s):

Not that I took the bait, it’s that I got to a point where I had some free time and I was just in the mood for blood sport on the internet. And every once in a while, no,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (11m 7s):

You did not have free time. You couldn’t, I can’t smell, you smell the blood on the water and you were like, I’m gonna eat it.

Sean P. Holman (11m 11s):

Be well. ’cause he wouldn’t stop. All he had to do was walk away. But no. Nope. Couldn’t do that. So.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (11m 17s):

Okay, so on this episode of The Truck Show Podcast, we’re gonna have an in studio guest, Mr. Austin Huffman owner of Valve TRO Designs. And you guys didn’t hear it ’cause the the mics weren’t on but Well

Sean P. Holman (11m 28s):

He’s the one. Yeah,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (11m 29s):

Well he’s pull up, up, up. He was waking up your neighborhood with an amazing Porsche.

Sean P. Holman (11m 35s):

What is that thing? GT two, GT three

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (11m 37s):

Something. I don’t know. But when he pulls up and we’ll talk about it later. I thought he was riding a motorcycle. Likes he, it’s like it sounded like a

Sean P. Holman (11m 43s):

Crazy Yeah, but when he hit hit hit valve when he hit the valve button, it was so quiet. It was almost weird.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (11m 48s):

Yeah. So anyway, we’re gonna talk Valved exhaust and being an entrepreneur. I think he’s a pretty young dude. Well, we’ll save this for the interview.

Sean P. Holman (11m 55s):

All right. All right, sounds good. Alright, so before we get on with the show, we gotta thank our presenting sponsor Nissan. So if you’re looking for a mid-size truck, the Nissan Frontier is one of the best mid-size trucks out there with a starting price of $30,030. Nicely equipped, rock solid reliability, no hybrid, no turbos, no base engine. They’re all the 3.8 liter V six backed by the nine speed making 310 horsepower and 280 pound feet of torque. You get 6,640 pounds of max towing fully box frame King cab or crew cab just a great truck. We love ’em. It’s The truck that has everything you need and nothing you don’t. You can build and price the Nissan frontier that fits your lifestyle over at Nissan usa dot com.

Sean P. Holman (12m 35s):

Or of course you can head on down to your local Nissan dealership. You can Test Drive it in person. I hear they’re giving out some deals ’cause the 20 fives are on the way.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (12m 42s):

A couple weeks ago home, and you’ll recall that I was talking about boost tubes blowing, that’s the, and the

Sean P. Holman (12m 48s):

Unavailable one thing I do remember,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (12m 50s):

What’s that Boost tubes blowing?

Sean P. Holman (12m 52s):

I can’t remember anything else, but I do remember that for some reason.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (12m 54s):

So again, we talked about the 2011 to 2016 Durmax LML. And all of a sudden, for some reason the hot side boost tube is no longer available. If you were to blow the boot or crack the boost tube, you get stranded, you don’t have a replacement. So what I recommend is give yourself some insurance and upgrade at the same time. But by moving over to bank’s high flow boost tubes, they’re not like the stock scrawny little boost tubes. These are three and a half inch diameter with up to 105% greater flow area compared to stock. Head over to Banks Power dot com and buy your upgraded boost tubes for your 2011 to 2016 Duramax LML today.

Sean P. Holman (13m 31s):

And if you’re somebody who loves your trucks like we do, then you’re gonna give it the best. That means quality full synthetic lubricant like AMS oil. AMS oil has you covered with motor oil lubricants, protectants, grease additives and more AM oil’s specialized products are engineered for extraordinary performance across automotive racing and power sports. And Lightning AMS oil. Hass been a pioneer in synthetic lubricants for over 50 years. They deliver wear protection, engine cleanliness and fuel efficiency that conventional oils simply can’t match. Find out how AMS oil synthetic lubricants can save you money and time by helping your vehicles run better and last longer than with conventional oils at AMS oil dot com. When it comes to lubrication, AMS oil is the leader in synthetics

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (14m 12s):

And quality does not stop with lubricants. If you want a quality rolled track, electric retractable bed cover, EGR USA is where you go. Roll tracks are available for Chevy GMC, they’ve got ’em for Gladiator Ram and a bunch more trucks and they’re adding applications all the time. In my opinion, it is the best engineered roll top tunnel cover that you will find. Head over to EGR USA dot com to find your application as well as shop for things like Fender Flares, V-S-L-L-E-D lights, window visors, hood guards, body side, moldings cab spoilers, sport bars, and undereat storage. You’ll find ’em all at EGR USA dot com

2 (14m 51s):

The truck show. We’re gonna show you what we know. We’re gonna answer What The truck, Because truck rides with The truck show. We have the lifted We have the lowered and everything in between. We’ll talk about trucks that run on diesel and the ones that run on gasoline. The truck show. The truck show. The truck show. Whoa Whoa.

3 (15m 23s):

It’s The truck show with your hosts Lightning and Holman.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (15m 30s):

Holman. We’ve got Austin Huffman in the studio founder and I’m gonna say CEO even if that’s not true. CEO of valve tro design. You’ve heard the name Valve Tranic before maybe ’cause I’ve been talking about it for the last couple weeks. But if you’ve ever heard the valve exhaust systems, all of a sudden they drive by and they’re like, and then they turn the corner and it’s quiet to play nights on your block. They may have a valve TRO system. And how long have you guys been around Austin?

Austin Huffman (15m 57s):

So I’ve been doing this for about six years now. I started the company when I was a sophomore at school, at le, at university, at Lehigh. I didn’t join a frat, I wasn’t like part of the whole party scene. So I was bored. I wasn’t allowed to have my car on campus. So I kind of used this project that I wanted to build these exhausts as a way to get my car on campus because I didn’t really have an identity without my car. I always had an identity in high school with my car and I was always doing projects and modifying kids’ cars to make money or buying things and flipping wheels to make money. So

Sean P. Holman (16m 31s):

How many of them did you mess up? Mm,

2 (16m 34s):

I was not.

Sean P. Holman (16m 35s):


Austin Huffman (16m 35s):

That was when I was like 17. So anybody looks back and they were seven. Hold.

2 (16m 38s):

On a second.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (16m 39s):

What I’m hearing, Holman is that he’s an entrepreneur.

5 (16m 43s):

It does it take, be entrepreneur, win job and don’t let anyone tell you can debt don’t back. Don’t worry. There will always be This is what it an entrepreneur.

Sean P. Holman (17m 2s):

So the reason I asked that is because when I was in auto shop in high school Yeah. You get all the poor students come would come in and their parents are like, you know, they’re driving and their dad’s like, I don’t have time to fix it, take to auto shop. So you’d get some person coming in and like, Hey, my dad says I need this and then turn the students loose on it. Right. And that

Austin Huffman (17m 22s):

Was an actual thing.

Sean P. Holman (17m 22s):

That was an actual thing. Wow.

Austin Huffman (17m 24s):

Yeah, I, that would never fly today. And

Sean P. Holman (17m 26s):

I remember this one,

Austin Huffman (17m 26s):


Sean P. Holman (17m 26s):

Liability, this one dude was like the the football jock. We didn’t know anything about cars. Right, okay. And so he is like, yeah, my car’s making this noise. My dad said I should just bring it to you guys. And he was like terrorized. You know, everybody in that class at some point were like, yeah dude. All right, here’s your list of stuff for Napa. You need blinker fluid, you need that. Went down the whole thing and made his life miserable before we ever fixed this car. So

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (17m 50s):

I’ve told a story before. So in high school I, I was much like you, my identity a lot was wrapped up in my vehicle and I was into the Hondas at at the time, things like that. I was buying and selling car stereo equipment. And I didn’t know for the first year and a half or two years, sophomore, junior year when I was selling stuff that everyone thought it was stolen. Like they just assumed like how, how would this kid get brand new? Does he have all these Vegas speakers? They have stolen all that stuff until I finally brought the quarterback of the, of the football team to the distributor where I was buying this stuff. And I, I melted his mind. He couldn’t believe that I was walking up to the door paying, getting stuff and then and reselling it. He was just, couldn’t believe it.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (18m 31s):

And then my business was outta control. I couldn’t even keep up after that because all the football players, all the cheerleaders, all wanted gear

Austin Huffman (18m 38s):

To the, they wanted stairs. It’s very funny you say that because to make money in high school, again, I wasn’t a the big party kid, I wasn’t a jock. I ended up really learning the difference between who is the customer and who is the end consumer. Because the customer for the build that I was doing like on these wranglers and stuff that I would do, like we would do wheels and lifts and all sorts of stuff. The customer was the parent, but the end consumer was the kid. So I had to like work with the kids to try to convince the parents ’cause they were the ones paying for the, they were bankroll it. It was fascinating. And the high school that I went to every, it was kind of a douche baggy school.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (19m 12s):

So it was bougie and they had money. Yes.

Austin Huffman (19m 15s):

And it looked like a Jeep dealership. Grand Cherokee Grand Grand Cherokee, grand Cherokee, grand Cherokee, Wrangler Wrangler, Wrangler Wrangler. Like just in a line, a dead ass. They were all the same, they were all the same color. But this one kid who was flipping burgers, he was like, Hey all these Jeeps look the same. I’ve made some money, you know, I’m, I’ve got after school job, let’s go crazy. And I said, all right, I’ll do the labor for free. You just pay for the parts and we’ll have this as like our showcase build at, its the litmus test this high school. Exactly right. And So, we brought this car in and then everybody started to trust me with their car. It was the same thing. And that’s why today people ask like, oh the NIC stuff, you’re so fortunate to be successful.

Austin Huffman (19m 55s):

What’s the secret? And I’m like, honestly, I’ve tried so many things, you just have to hustle. You just have to get after it. Because like the jock was so blown away that you had, you were buying and selling equipment. People don’t understand how trial and error business is based. You know, everybody thinks I gotta have the plan, I gotta have the routine, everything I say balls to all that. ’cause it’s really all just, okay, we’re gonna figure this out, it doesn’t work. We’ll try something else. Yeah,

Sean P. Holman (20m 25s):

We’ll we’ll keep ing kinda

Austin Huffman (20m 25s):

Like a jingle there. Right.

Sean P. Holman (20m 27s):

Which is exactly

Austin Huffman (20m 28s):

Really rowdy

Sean P. Holman (20m 30s):

So. we met back in, I guess it was what, February or something like that in Orlando? Yes. And I was moderating a panel for Keystone Automotive. So some of you may have seen Keystone in the past or a truck delivering at your local shop, but they’re basically a big distributor and one of the bigger distributors in the country for aftermarket automotive parts. And so I was at this conference, which they called the big show and I was, they said, Hey if you want, you can stay all weekend, we’ll give you passes to the show and you can kind of cruise around. I’m like, yeah, I don’t wanna just come and do this hour panel and then and then leave. Then leave. I wanna see what it’s all about. It’s kind of, think of it as like a mini sema. I’m walking down the aisles and meeting different companies, kind of talking about OVR and Truck Show podcast. And I see these guys and they’re in this end booth and they’re like, Hey come check out our our valves.

Sean P. Holman (21m 14s):

And at that time Lightning had gotten the loud exhaust, the attack.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (21m 19s):

Right. We can say Boer attack hear or knows about it. Yeah.

Sean P. Holman (21m 22s):

Boil attack. And he thought it would be great. And it is great. It sounds amazing. Except for when you start your car up at five in the morning, they’re like sound cannons man. It’s loud. And he was definitely jealous of the 3 92. ’cause I had the quiet button, the happy neighbor mode. And so you had said, Hey, you know, love for you to try this out. Could you, do you have a vehicle? I’m thinking, do you have something for the t rx? And you and I started talking about TXs. So I hit, you know, Lightning up and I said, Hey, I think I’ve got a problem or a, a solution for your problem about your loud exhaust. So you can both enjoy it being obnoxious and also have happy neighbor mode. And then that’s how this whole thing kind of started. So you sent out stuff like right away you’re like stoked here, I’m gonna send the box, blah blah blah.

Sean P. Holman (22m 2s):

What’s the address? And then Lightning sat on it for about eight

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (22m 4s):

Months. Well but you’re okay. That’s not Hold. On a second busy Hold On a second kids,

Austin Huffman (22m 9s):

They need to do this

Sean P. Holman (22m 10s):

First. Did

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (22m 10s):

I, did I email you Austin along the way and say here’s my updates? Yes I did. Absolutely. Yes. So, and the reason my update

Sean P. Holman (22m 17s):

Is the dusty, you should

Austin Huffman (22m 19s):

Have done it immediately because you’re a car guy. And. when you get a car part, you must do it immediately. See

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (22m 24s):

But I don’t know if I told you this part. My truck was broken into and I went

Sean P. Holman (22m 29s):

Into, oh I think he told everybody that part. Good

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (22m 30s):

Thing I didn’t, but maybe not Austin who would’ve

Austin Huffman (22m 32s):

Been in trouble.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (22m 32s):

Right, right. So it was broken into and then The truck went into hibernation basically. And I waited for the window and then you

Sean P. Holman (22m 41s):

Had to hide it from the cartel ’cause they were gonna come back for

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (22m 43s):

Like that whole thing. And I was freaked out. Yeah, exactly. And I wanted, I’m not a guy who’s gonna go to a muffler shop, I’m just nod. Unless I absolutely have that take welded. Like real nice. It’s gotta be tw welded. And when I got your valve product mufflers, they’re works of art. They’re nice, they’re beautiful,

Sean P. Holman (22m 57s):

They’re really beautiful.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (22m 58s):

3 0 4 stainless I assume 3 0 4, right? Yeah. Polished. They’re just awesome welds. Beautiful. You, you, you take it outta the box and the angels sing. That’s the sound effect as you open the box. As you open the box. Yeah. So then I need to get little Eric at work. He’s an amazing TIG welder. So he’s busy working on a project. I just have to be patient. So if I want it done and I want booger welds, which I don’t ’cause I don’t want to booger welds in your stuff. It is not gonna happen. So waited, waited, waited. Finally got it done, installed them. I did a, what I think is a beautiful installation. I’ll show you after the show. Okay. I’ve got your control module in the bed. I didn’t put it there. Eric did. It was great. They made a custom bracket for it. It’s in the bed up outta the way.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (23m 38s):

Tucked behind the the rack.

Sean P. Holman (23m 40s):

You got your EGR roll track? Yeah, it’s under that. So it’s protecting it and it’s under the, the lip of the rail where like, you know, basically what would be utility? Utility. The track on like a Nissan ram has their tracks as well. Oh okay.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (23m 50s):

Perfect. So it’s protected. So you can’t beat it up. Like if if cinder block fell into it, it wouldn’t hurt. It is great. Which is fine. Yeah, that’s good. And then I did a home run all the way to the front of The truck. ’cause I’ve got the six ox switches. So I went into one of the ox switches. Oh interesting. And so I have my 12 volt switched. So if I turn it off the actuator, the pump in the module will never energize. And it will always be in quiet mode ’cause it’s in the valve is closed default. Default by default. So it’s always in quiet mode. Yes. Until I turn it on and then I’ve synced it. I watched your video on your YouTube channel and I synced it with my home link. Yes. So the left button on my home link is open and the right button is closed. And it works like a champ. It’s really great.

Austin Huffman (24m 29s):

So the reason why this product exists and I’m very excited about the success that it’s had is because genuinely, I don’t care what exhaust you have, Borla, MBRP, Corsa, anything, you can have that exhaust if the a The truck came with it, B, you already bought it or C you’re looking at that exhaust ’cause you like the sound. You can just retrofit the onic mufflers into that system. Or if you have a stock truck, like the TRXI assume was stocked before, you just take those kind of bottle mufflers out and you weld these in

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (24m 60s):


Austin Huffman (24m 60s):

It changes not just the sound, but it changes your whole interaction with the car, with the car, truck, vehicle, whatever. Because my TRX, like yours has the, the bypass pipes, like the race pipes. So it’s catless and it’s so loud. It’s like 130 decibels. It’s so

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (25m 18s):

Loud. Well so you not catalyst ’cause that’s illegal. You did.

Austin Huffman (25m 22s):

I did some free flow

Sean P. Holman (25m 23s):

In in Mexico.

Austin Huffman (25m 24s):

I did some more freer flowing components up front.

Sean P. Holman (25m 27s):

It is from another state

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (25m 28s):

Too. That’s true. That’s true. So I got rid of those. The the resonators, the the resonators. Did

Austin Huffman (25m 31s):

You do the free flow components?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (25m 33s):

Not like yours, but I did. It was pretty darn loud with the Boless system and it was great. I really like the tone. Yeah. They leave some stock components. It’s a new X pipe in the middle and and such. Yeah. And they have their polyphonic. Polyphonic. Yeah. Oh wow. So they have a system called the Polyphonic. Harmonizer. Yeah. And so what it is, it’s four smaller pipes in a larger pipe and they’re different lengths. Think of it like a pipe organ. It changed the tune. It was really, really neat. But it was just that loud all the time.

Austin Huffman (25m 59s):

It was loud. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well I’m happy that you have them now because the mufflers, if you do decide to do some more freer, flowing components like I have on my truck, it only works better. It stays just as quiet as it is now. But it only gets louder. It’s awesome. It’s so cool. That’s why I’m so excited is because this doesn’t matter if you have one 50 or you have, you know, whatever your truck configuration is, you can go and have a great time on, you know, an exit on ramp or whatever with the valves open. And then you can pick the kids up at 6:00 AM and go to work or whatever on Monday morning. And you have no compromises to be a

Sean P. Holman (26m 36s):

Respectable citizen when you wanna be in a hooligan win.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (26m 38s):


Austin Huffman (26m 39s):

And also too, people’s interaction with the product is all wildly different because some people never open the valve. It be once or twice a week. Other people leave it open all the time on my TRX, if I want to do a hard acceleration, I’ll open it and then it’s like the, like I could wake the dead. It’s amazing. On the other hand, half the time I’ve got ’em closed ’cause I’m on a phone call or whatever, it just takes The truck, which is a very utilitarian vehicle and gives you the experience. You want the sound? Yep.

Sean P. Holman (27m 7s):


Austin Huffman (27m 7s):

You want it controllable.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (27m 8s):

Yeah. Yeah. Controllable. See I, I’m driving about 80% of the time with them open. Yep. But when I’m going through residential, ’cause I usually come home at nine, 10 o’clock at night close. And I leave equally as early and I close ’em. And so I’m not upsetting the neighbors.

Sean P. Holman (27m 18s):

Let me see if this resonates with you. No pun intended. This is on the valve Tranic website. Says, says, do your neighbors despise your cold Start in the morning. Yeah. I This please give you a hard time because your car is loud. Does there significant other hate riding in your vehicle because the drone is too loud? Maybe you just wanna make your car a bit louder with the option to make it sound docile without compromising Then the valve product designs universal muff muffler kit is the perfect solution for you. Loud one you want quiet when you need to be all the touch the button. Yeah. Is that you, is that accurate?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (27m 48s):

That’s absolutely true. In another time that, so I’m a, I’m a total audio file like a, I’m a geek for the audio. Hmm. That sound doing 80 is just, it was overpowered. It was bringing the noise floor up too much. So I was having to turn the volume up too much. That’s annoying. And it was just, I was fighting it constantly. And now with yours. And I came over here like right after I did. And I showed Holman and he’s like, what in the w Like it was dramatically quiet. It

Sean P. Holman (28m 10s):

Almost quieter. Sounded like a quieter ram five seven Hemi truck. It’s exactly

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (28m 13s):

Right. Yeah.

Austin Huffman (28m 14s):

It’s actually, it’s quieter than the stock

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (28m 16s):

Mufflers. It’s when I’m cruising Well it instead of a single muffler, it’s got, you know, I have the duals. Yeah, your duals and just cruising at 80 miles an hour that that drone is gone. And I will also say,

Sean P. Holman (28m 27s):

And you can hear the supercharger better

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (28m 29s):


Austin Huffman (28m 29s):

Too, when they’re opened, the mufflers actually sap a lot of the drone frequencies away as well.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (28m 34s):

Yes. Because they’re acting like a hem Holts

Austin Huffman (28m 36s):

Resonator. Yep, exactly. Right. So and we’ve engineered that. That was, I was, I’m happy that you said that because that was one of our biggest things is people would come to us with straight piped Hellcats, V six powered Chargers and other cars Mustangs. Yeah.

Sean P. Holman (28m 49s):


Austin Huffman (28m 50s):

Melting in my chair. Yeah. Right. But they would come to us with those and they would delete the middle resor and have no mufflers. They wouldn’t come to us. They would look to buy online, they would want the sound, but people would find it would get slightly, slightly quieter with the valves opened than their straight pipe setup. But all the drone was gone. Yeah. So we actually found, we did a test, we had a, a muffler deleted V six charger with no resonators. And then we had a car that same setup, but it had the universal mufflers. The sound was like a half decibel quieter with the mufflers in their open position. But in the car it was way quieter because all the The drones. Because all the drones Come on.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (29m 26s):

Yeah. So I’m gonna play, people are sitting at home thinking like, what are they talking about? I’m gonna play a little piece now. This is just that idol and, and I’m gonna play for you. And you can see the difference. And I talk a little bit on this, on this clip. The volume, the overall decibel output is not that different. Mm. It but what it is, it’s cutting off the crackle. Which is the

Sean P. Holman (29m 45s):

Annoying part. Well what you’re, yeah. What you’re doing is removing base, you’re removing sound or you, excuse me, you’re removing noise and what you’re left with is the sound you want.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (29m 53s):

That’s true. Yeah.

Sean P. Holman (30m 1s):

Are you backing up?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (30m 2s):

No, that’s the gate opening at banks. I handed my phone to Josh and I

8 (30m 10s):

So that’s with the valves open. Yep. All too familiar. And that’s with them closed

Austin Huffman (30m 28s):

Sounds like a five seven.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (30m 30s):

So you can tell that the man rebel, like I’m watching the vu meter right now

8 (30m 34s):

And the

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (30m 35s):

Volume is almost the

8 (30m 36s):

Same. That’s open. There you go. And now we’ll close the valve closed.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (30m 47s):

Yeah. Isn’t that awesome?

Austin Huffman (30m 48s):

Makes me so happy.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (30m 49s):

That’s, it’s really good. How did this whole thing start? Like you were doing All

Austin Huffman (30m 53s):

Honestly, like my mom hated to be in my car ’cause it was too loud when I was in high school. Which car? I, I bought a BMW 3 35 with the money that I had saved up from modifying these wranglers and stuff and detailing and doing all the work that I had to do as a 16-year-old, which is very good. I think

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (31m 12s):

You did it, you bought 3 35 and 16. Yeah. A

Austin Huffman (31m 15s):

Skinny baller. It was 35 grand

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (31m 17s):

Oh, my lord

Austin Huffman (31m 18s):

Damn 35 grand. But I, that was every dollar I’d ever earned.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (31m 21s):

Did you pay cash or were you, you I

Austin Huffman (31m 23s):

Paid cash.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (31m 23s):

Holy man. Paid cash. Yeah. Good

Austin Huffman (31m 25s):

Job. But the, the only thing that I had ever purchased for my, from my money was like two airsoft guns, which got disposed of very quickly. didn didn’t buy anything. I was just saving money so I could do this. That car though taught me a lot about what I wanted. And then after I sold that, I bought an E 46 M three. Nice. A molar red over cinnamon six speed car. Oh wow. Beautiful car. Oh, love that car. But the reason this all started was because when I had that 3 35 with the money that I did have left, I bought a downpipe, the rear flowing component. Of course again, I did like a free flowing midsection. And then I had, in the rear, I did the BMWB performance exhaust, which on those BMWs from factory, those cars had exhaust valve.

Austin Huffman (32m 9s):

Like they had one on one side, but it was just kind of an emissions control device. It didn’t really work for sound control. The BM to B performance system removes it. So there’s no vowels. So it’s just loud, loud, loud, loud. And my mom, she would wake up to go to work about the same time that I would go to school in the morning about six 30 or 6 45. And we would leave the house and I would start this car and it would rattle everything like the whole house would shake.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (32m 33s):

That’s cool. When you’re at your friend’s house and like, oh, Austin’s so coming over. But not when you’re, it’s like when

Sean P. Holman (32m 38s):

I brought piss my 3 92, I picked it up in Michigan. I drove it home and pull into the driveway, actually into the garage and then the next mor Yeah. ’cause I got here at night and then the next morning was the first time my wife had, you know, seen the car. Seen it. Yeah. And I started it up and it rattled every picture on the wall in our hallway. Yeah. And I drove out here, made a right, made a left, made a right on the street and then gunned it all the way to the corner. Yeah. We did

Austin Huffman (33m 4s):

It. We could hear you forever.

Sean P. Holman (33m 5s):

Yeah. Our bedroom is upstairs facing that direction. She text me. That’s obnoxious. And I can still hear you. You’re like, well done. Yes, yes. Awesome.

Austin Huffman (33m 13s):

Mission accomplished. But so when I had this car, I, and it was a, it was a snap change when I did the downpipe, when it was a kind of a straight pipe system, everything rattled. So my mom after that day got very frustrated. I had this on for about a week and then she was in the car with me and she said, Austin, why don’t you make it so it’s loud when you’re in the car, like on the highway. And then can you make it quiet in the morning?

Sean P. Holman (33m 38s):

I was like, the mom mode.

Austin Huffman (33m 39s):

I’m like, I was like, I mean like, maybe wait a

Sean P. Holman (33m 43s):

Minute, is

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (33m 43s):

She the mother of invention?

Austin Huffman (33m 45s):

Absolutely. Yeah. I give all the credit to her. So that’s the thing is for me that was like, I need to, there’s, there’s a solution here that I need to figure out. So what I did is I put the stock rear mufflers back on, which had the valve in it. And I took, so for the viewers listening, the two rear mufflers on a 3 35, they’re like two cans. And on the driver’s side there is a valve on one of them. So when it is closed, the exhaust only exits through the passenger side exhaust tip. So what I did is,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (34m 16s):

And it’s got a lot more baffling on that side. Correct?

Austin Huffman (34m 18s):

Correct. Exactly. Even though the mufflers look,

Sean P. Holman (34m 20s):

Yeah, they’re not, they’re

Austin Huffman (34m 21s):

Not symmetric. Symmetric, yeah. Symmetrical. Yeah. They may look similar, but they’re very different internally. So the one on the quiet side was much more dense. So what I did is I took the loud side, which had the valve in it and I just, I opened the muffler up and I gutted it and I welded in straight tubes and took all the packing out. After that I made a valve controller like to just operate that valve on a key fob instead of the car’s ECU doing it on throttle position or I’m sorry, yeah. On like pedal position. And from there I had a controllable valve exhaust. I made a YouTube video with my friend named Ted Edward. His name is Tom. He’s a big YouTube channel now. Yeah. But back then I know, I know Ted Edward. Yeah, Ted Edward drives. Yeah. So he was a, like the big reason why I got started, because we filmed a video when he had I think 2000 subscribers with this early days with this BMW.

Austin Huffman (35m 9s):

And that car ended up really spiking the interest in this, in this idea because the, that first car that I had bought as a, as a, as a teenager, it was a black car, the automatic car. I bought the E 46 and I had to do this project on a white 3 35 that I had. So I had changed cars around and then my mom was still furious because I did the same mod to the white one. I was just like, oh, let’s make it loud, do it again. So I put it out on YouTube and it got a bunch of hits and I had my Instagram in the video and everyone contacted me saying, Hey, I wanna buy this. And I was like, well don’t buy it in the video. I explained how to do it. And they’re like, no, no, no. I wanna deal with it. I wanna buy it. Yeah. And I was like,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (35m 50s):

Here we

Austin Huffman (35m 50s):

Go. Yeah. So kind of as your entrepreneur thing says, it’s, I just had to figure out how to do it. So from there I found an in-house manufacturer in Pennsylvania. ’cause I was at this time now going to school to help me build these. And we started there and then started to expand into other platforms, into other BMWs. And then I realized with the Universal project, everybody needs this. Everybody should have the opportunity to enjoy a flexible exhaust experience at a price that’s not, it’s not even, I don’t think it’s expensive. I think it’s very reasonable at $400. Yeah. So you

Sean P. Holman (36m 24s):

Can Well it totally.

Austin Huffman (36m 25s):

You can put it on genuinely any vehicle you can put it on your, your five three truck, your six two truck, your TRX, you know, it, it’s, it’s so variable. And even too, like I’ve had people use it on a maverick and people use it on rangers. I’ve had people use it all over.

Sean P. Holman (36m 40s):

What’s the weirdest thing? Is it the maverick or is

Austin Huffman (36m 42s):

It Oh? my, well, in terms of weird stuff Yeah. Truck wise,

Sean P. Holman (36m 46s):

Anything. Oh,

Austin Huffman (36m 47s):

I’ve seen it on buggies. I’ve seen it on swapped. Porsches, Volkswagen buses, everything you can imagine. Wow. We get some wild inquiries. We get like old ML 55 Mercedes that they use ’em on. Just anything and everything. ’cause it fits, it’s smaller than factory mufflers. It’s very dense, very

Sean P. Holman (37m 5s):

Compact. Yeah. Yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (37m 6s):

Isn’t, there’s a new craze going around right now with like S-Class Mercedes and a MG cars and stuff that are supercharged and they’re straight piping them because they sound so wicked and they sound, they, they can get so

Austin Huffman (37m 16s):

Well actually, so interestingly enough with that they can get so loud and so obnoxious. People use the mufflers for those as well. Yeah. Right. And from factory, the Mercedes, like C 63 and stuff, those mufflers were engineered in a partnership with Eisenman. So Eisenman helped develop like the c the W 2 0 4 C six three muffler. So they’re actually quite good. The problem is the cold start, they’re so loud. You need a packed muffler casing to quiet the, the dust, like the decibels down. And that’s

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (37m 45s):

Because they run super lean right? For emissions? Correct.

Austin Huffman (37m 48s):

That I’m the TRX you mean, or

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (37m 50s):

No, like a lot of just most modern cars, they run super lean at startup. I,

Sean P. Holman (37m 54s):

I don’t think so. I think it’s

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (37m 55s):

Opposite. They just have to light off the cats.

Sean P. Holman (37m 57s):

They run, they run rich. I don’t to light off the cats. And that’s why like, like Chrysler dumps fuel on that startup on purpose to give you that big barky growl.

Austin Huffman (38m 6s):

Oh, interesting. Alright.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (38m 7s):

We’ll have to figure this out. Yeah,

Sean P. Holman (38m 9s):

No, it’s, I don’t think it’s lean,

Austin Huffman (38m 10s):

It’s rich. But that’s the thing is, is the cold start kind of as our conversation before people’s interaction with the product. Some people just close the valves for Coldstar and then they leave the neighborhood and it’s opened 99% of the time

Sean P. Holman (38m 21s):

Today. That’s Lighting. Yeah. Yeah. Well I had a, a stock TRX for a year and I backed it into the driveway every day. And at one point we redid the, the paint and the roof on the house got new garage doors and this old man comes walking by and he’s like, eh got new garage doors. Did you? I’m like, yeah, because what, just starting up in the morning, putting dents in your old garage doors,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (38m 42s):

It’s like,

Austin Huffman (38m 43s):

To us it’s not that loud.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (38m 44s):


Austin Huffman (38m 44s):

But everything is so loud to the people outside. It’s even too when someone drives past you and it’s really obnoxious. Even though us we’re in the car sometimes, we’re like, oh, everyone thinks I’m cool. Yeah, yeah.

Sean P. Holman (38m 56s):

No, not

Austin Huffman (38m 57s):

Usually. No, not usually. Yeah. So that’s why I think it’s so, it’s such a valuable thing and I’m really trying to get it to The truck enthusiast because I want everybody to be able to enjoy what is truly such a fun experience because it, it removes all your compromises for having something be loud.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (39m 15s):

Yeah. And, and you can do it, it’s designed so you can weld it yourself. You could, if you’re a good welder, you Yeah. You could put VB band clamps on it. You could, yeah. You could do all sorts of stuff. Or you could take it in a muffler shop that could swed it open so you could just slip it over your existing pipe. Exactly. There’s a million different things you could do. It’s very versatile.

Austin Huffman (39m 33s):

And the, the thing too is the control harness and everything is very, very simple. You just plug it in and go it

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (39m 39s):

It, so it’s made to plug into your cigarette lighter, which will work if you put it in the trunk of your car or in the spare tire. Well in, you know, in a, in a sedan or something. In my case you’re hardwired. Yeah. I just lopped off that cigarette lighter and you’ve got a, a positive negative and ground and I wired it into my switch, as I said, easy and I can control it. And then you’ve got a vacuum line that you supply a little brass fitting. So I split off in two to go to each of the vacuum actuators. That was it. That’s it. Like it’s I mean any, if I can do it, anyone can do it.

Austin Huffman (40m 9s):

Yeah. And it’s a, a very, very simple install. It’s not crazy expensive to install if you, you know, use a mouth shop or even someone who’s good with their fab work. It’s just, I don’t know, it makes me very happy because when I started this business I thought that I started to make money. But actually now it’s changed because I just hope that everybody can have this experience because it changes how people can enjoy our favorite hobby. And then your neighbors don’t hate you. You’re able to make your vehicle even louder. We have like my t rx is so, so loud, but I drive around with the valves closed and it sounds like it’s a bone stock truck. You know, you accelerate away from the light. It’s totally normal.

Austin Huffman (40m 49s):

I’ve been stopped in The truck before and I

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (40m 51s):

So you’ve got mid length or full length head or long tube headers on there. Yeah. Okay. Got yeah.

Austin Huffman (40m 56s):

So com a completely race set up. When the valves are open, there’s nothing in between the block and the exhaust tapes. It’s wicked. But then when you close the valves, it’s like, it goes back to, it’s actually still quieter on a rev than a stock TRX, which is just,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (41m 12s):

You’re making me wanna do that now. You, but

Austin Huffman (41m 13s):

That’s the thing

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (41m 14s):

Is I would do long tube headers if I weren’t in California, but do

Austin Huffman (41m 17s):

Well Yeah. Register, register, register. The truck somewhere else. Yeah.

Sean P. Holman (41m 19s):

You mean buy a house somewhere else, right?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (41m 21s):

Yeah. And then live there. Well you

Austin Huffman (41m 23s):

Live there, you have property. Yeah, of course, of course, of course. That’s the big thing too, is the product just works better when you have free of flowing components. It’s just, it makes me so happy.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (41m 31s):

Let’s talk about back pressure because when they are closed, the valves are closed and I’m forcing, you have a really unique design in that you’ve got the valve and it’s before the muffler. And what it does is when it’s open, the exhaust for the most part travels straight through in a straight pipe right out, right out to the tip of The truck. But when it’s closed, the exhaust is forced to go down and then up through into the packing. And the only way the literally the only way it can escape is to go through a lot of dense packing. Now what does that do for the back pressure

Austin Huffman (42m 4s):

Or It definitely increases it, but what we’ve designed the mufflers to do, even on like a supercharge truck like that, the muffler internals are designed to flow well kind of in an S pattern through the muffler. Like quickly get through it, but to not add too much back pressure to where you couldn’t run The truck. Like I’ve run my truck with the full race setup and I’ve done hard accelerations with the valves closed. Oh really? No problems. Okay. Yeah, no problems. But that’s a race set up, you know, with, with completely free flow. And The truck is not, my truck is not tuned. I would just say if you’re gonna really beat on The truck, make sure the valves

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (42m 39s):

Are open. Yeah. Open ’em

Austin Huffman (42m 40s):

The cars from factory that have valves, they’re doing it on throttle position anyway. So in like a Hellcat or 3 92

Sean P. Holman (42m 47s):

Is the same way. They’re wrong position. So, oh, didn didn’t know yours, is that if it’s closed and Yeah. Anything about 3000 RPM with the load, they, they open.

Austin Huffman (42m 53s):

Yeah, it’ll click it open automatically. So, you know, just, I would just, you don’t really have to worry about that too much. ’cause the engine management systems are so clever they can sense that and they’ll just adjust.

Sean P. Holman (43m 3s):

Well, I mean, I’m guessing the restrictions probably the cat anyway. It is the header cats.

Austin Huffman (43m 7s):

It is. Yeah. Yeah. So, we see a lot of that. But you know, it’s always important to know the product is as best as we can engineer it designed to work well open and close in any scenario. Got it. So, you know, you gotta make a pass on the highway, make the pass, like truck’s not gonna explode.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (43m 23s):

So other truck applications, do you generally push people towards the universal application and then you’ve got in the, in the size that you offer? Two, two and a half. Three, three and a half, two.

Austin Huffman (43m 34s):

Yeah. So in terms of use cases, what I recommend it, we’ve done a ton of rams, we’ve done a ton of tundras. All like every truck you can imagine has these mufflers. What we find the best application is, it’s important to remember that Like let’s say on a ram, like a five seven rebel or something, that truck gets really loud if you do duals. Yeah. ’cause you have way more flow. If you run the single and you just put the single muffler in the, in the midsection and you remove everything else and just straight pipe. The rest of The truck, it sounds good. You get a nice aggressive sound. But you could drive all day with the valves open. And because of the way the hemel chamber is designed for the valves, open muffler casing, you won’t have any drone.

Austin Huffman (44m 16s):

Which I think is a cool setup if someone doesn’t want it that loud. Yeah. But if you really want it to be rowdy, you should do duals. You should run The truck duals all the way back probably with an X pipe or an H pipe and then run two mufflers. That’s what I recommend.

Sean P. Holman (44m 28s):

So real quick, let’s walk through because you’ve got a single inlet, single outlet, single inlet, dual outlet, T style, and then you can choose two and a half, three, 3.0, three and a half inch. Yeah. And then you can buy, obviously, you know, one or two systems

Austin Huffman (44m 44s):

For most truck applications, 99% of them. Single inlet, single outlet. The, the only things that really use single limit dual outlet would be like a BWM five, which has the quad tips. So you can just remove the factory mufflers and put those back there. Ah. And just slide exhaust tips on, or if you had something like the V 10 powered Ram SRT 10, like that has the exhaust, the dual exhaust tips out to the side. Yeah. You could remove that muffler, then do single to dual on that, which I’ve seen done before, which sounded insane, which is awesome. But you could do it that way. But most truck applications are gonna be single inlet, single outlet. Just put it in line, remove all your resonators, remove all your mufflers. And you may think, oh no, it’s gonna be so loud and so droney.

Austin Huffman (45m 27s):

Yes. If you don’t put the muffler in and you just straight pipe The truck, yeah, it’s gonna suck. But if you put the valve muffler in,

Sean P. Holman (45m 34s):


Austin Huffman (45m 35s):

To go, $400 well spent right there.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (45m 36s):

And I was surprised. The size, I think from the, the canister itself is about 15, 16 at the most long. Yep. And then you’ve got the ends of the pipes coming out. So overall it was like 18 and a half, which is smaller than I would expect it. You would expect that a muffler that that’s of that small size, it wouldn’t be able to d able to it. Yeah. It wouldn’t be able to d them

Austin Huffman (45m 57s):

Much packed because there’s material in it.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (45m 58s):

Exactly. But for it’s compact. When I brought to the guys at, at banks, they were like, how much of those things gonna do as far as damping? And I like, well, we’re running too. And they were I mean,

Sean P. Holman (46m 7s):

I, I was impressed when I crawled under it to see how it was packaged. ’cause you, you probably think of it on its side, but they were,

Austin Huffman (46m 13s):

They’re mounted vertically. They’re not vertically. Yep.

Sean P. Holman (46m 14s):

That’s the best way to do it. And so they’re kind of packaged like books on a shelf, you know, one next to the other vertically. Yeah. And completely out of the way because you have so much room to the bed floor and these are compact and just, I was staring at her there going, damn, that’s a really clean install.

Austin Huffman (46m 30s):

That’s what counts too is is the proper application of the product makes it very, very, it just improves the experience.

Sean P. Holman (46m 37s):

Now I noticed, so are your 3.0 I mean? Yes. Yeah. Three. Yeah. Okay. So those are basically the all in eight and a half by eight and a half by 18.5. So, and seven inches tall. So if you are thinking about like the cube, what kind of space it takes up. But I noticed in your instructions you actually say how to orient the valves of, for best effectiveness from valves open to close, recommend you install the mufflers with the valve portion facing the rear. Which seems common sense, but do people put ’em in backwards and then what, what, what happens?

Austin Huffman (47m 8s):

So, so good point. So, so a good question. I should say that was a problem in the past. Now you can mount them. I mean do people mount them all sorts of wild ways? Yeah. It used to be a challenge. We changed the muffler configuration to be able to, it’s reverse flowed now. It wasn’t before. Okay. But now it’s reverse flowed. So it’s totally fine. We just see a little bit of a, i, we see an improvement in the pressure buildup if you have the valve facing the rear and the valves just work a little bit better in terms of, because there’s less pressure on them. But it’s six one hand half dozen, dozen the other, it doesn’t really make any difference. Now

Sean P. Holman (47m 43s):

It’s one of those things where once you install it, you’re hypersensitive. You might notice it for five minutes and after driving it for two or three days, it’s nothing.

Austin Huffman (47m 50s):

Yeah. Well we’ve had people too. It’s very interesting that when people order something from a website, and I can speak for, I think any brand people will agonize over the small details. But then once they put the product on, they’re like, wow, this is so far and above beyond my expectations that everybody’s very happy.

Sean P. Holman (48m 9s):

Well when he said that he had the, so he had the mufflers installed before everything was wired up. And once he got it wired up, I was said, well how’s it work? You know, ’cause we were talking about how to wire it. Yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (48m 20s):

Yes. I drove version for like a week with them closed. So I couldn’t tell what they were really, I knew that they were, they were, it was quiet. Good. You know, it was wonderful. But like I, I didn’t have any control. I hadn’t wired

Sean P. Holman (48m 30s):

It yet. He hadn’t wired it yet. So I was asking him about it and he’s like, it sounds like a a Hemi. And I’m like, Well, it is a Hemi. No, no, no. It sounds like a Hemi five seven. Like a 1500. Yep. And the first time I heard it when he pulled up, it was almost quieter than I was just looking at. Like, man, yeah. The truck, it still sounds good, but there’s like no volume. Yep.

Austin Huffman (48m 47s):

Exactly. Yeah. It just cuts the volume down so much. And we’ve used that technology on like our Mustang S five 50 and S six 50 full exhaust packages. I don’t know, for the people who are not familiar with us, we do exhaust for everything. C 8 0 6, we get into the S six S six 50 and S five 50 Mustangs. We do every BMW you can imagine. We do Porsches, Ferrari’s, Lamborghinis, McLaren’s, all sorts of wild stuff. But all of this engineering from the high end, from the stuff we learn on Porsches and you know, making the best exhaust configurations from McLaren’s, it all trickles down to make the best universal product. Because at the end of the day, valve’s mission is to be able to provide this technology to the people who need it at an affordable price.

Austin Huffman (49m 30s):

There’s so many options out there for mufflers. And you can buy a system that has more mufflers, less mufflers, you’re gonna compromise on drone. Why not just have one option that does literally everything?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (49m 41s):

Well, you’ve succeeded because the name Valve tro, and I’m sure you hoped that this would happen. Yes. But you couldn’t have predicted that it would. But it is now the, the, the, the Kleenex of, of that brand. Meaning it’s, it’s just, even if I go and buy facial tissues at, you know, the, the grocery store, they called it Kleenex. Everyone calls it Kleenex. Yeah. And everyone calls it a tro even if it’s an invitation. And so that is, that’s a great place. I mean you’ve branded it really well and it speaks to the quality.

Austin Huffman (50m 7s):

It it does. Thank you. it does become tricky though because everybody tries to copy us. There are so many copycats out there. So make sure that if you are interested viewers in buying this, you buy from the proper source. So you get valve

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (50m 21s):

Dot com.

Austin Huffman (50m 21s):

Yeah. Valve tranic dot com. We all, we find too that people try to sell knockoff versions, cheaper versions. If you find a muffler that’s really cheap, well, by the way Yeah.

Sean P. Holman (50m 30s):

Cheaper version than 400 bucks with the muffler and a controller.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (50m 33s):

What are you getting to I mean?

Sean P. Holman (50m 34s):

Dude, I don’t even, whatcha gonna do, oh, I got this for 3 49 off of Temu or something. Right? It’s like, why? So

Austin Huffman (50m 40s):

Actually did you, that’s an interesting thing you just said there. I did a comparison of like some of like the Ali Express like drop shipped mufflers. Yeah. There’s been so much engineering that’s gone into our mufflers. Yeah. I pulled out one that I ordered off Ali Express and it was still with the shipping. It was $160 for the product and another 170 for the shipping.

Sean P. Holman (50m 59s):

So why, well, why not just get the made in the EGR USA originals. Exactly.

Austin Huffman (51m 2s):

But people, the, the big thing for us is so much of what we do is, is product experience. it has to be good. You gotta feel special pulling the stuff out of the box. And we’ve worked so hard with our suppliers, everybody to make the product very special. But then when I had this other product that I bought on Ali Express, it showed up in a box that was absolutely destroyed. The hardware was damaged. No support, no nothing. The thing about it is,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (51m 30s):

Were the instructions in English?

Austin Huffman (51m 32s):

No. No. When anybody tries to cheap out, and I talk about this from McLaren exhaust. Porsche exhaust and the universal mufflers, whether it’s for your truck or whatever, remember what are the true costs of your cost savings? That’s how I like about

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (51m 48s):

That’s funny that you say that because Holman and I were talking about this, I dunno if it was on or off air, it all bleeds together. But like at the, where I work at banks, we sell apart for the Ram trucks 2007 to current and it’s called a monster Ram. It’s a thousand bucks and it’s the best that you can buy. Yep. And it solves some problems. It adds performance. And guys will say like, You know what I’m not gonna spend. That’s too much money. I’m gonna make my own. And what do they do? They spend three weeks making one fabricating whatever.

Austin Huffman (52m 15s):

How much is your time worth? Yeah. They

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (52m 17s):

Don’t calculate that. Like, do they work for free?

Austin Huffman (52m 19s):

We offer free shipping on all our products.

Sean P. Holman (52m 22s):

Well then that just totally another that while you’re talking, talking about shipping, I’m like, well yeah, if their shipping’s less than 50 bucks, it’s still a pretty good deal. Oh, it’s free. Good.

Austin Huffman (52m 29s):

It’s free. People wanna say, Hey, like I wanna come and pick up the exhaust. Like, well, I get a better deal. I’m like, no,

Sean P. Holman (52m 36s):


Austin Huffman (52m 36s):

I’m gonna ship you the exhaust anyway. Yeah. So, or I’ll ship it to you for free so it doesn’t matter. But dude, it’s, it’s a very interesting landscape because everybody is deal shopping and quite frankly, this product, I feel is so fairly priced for the, for the product. You get totally. That, you know, we have, we have some people who say, Hey, you know, it it, we always have challenges. We always are looking to improve the product and always get better. And we have some people that, hey, you know, I, I’m, I, it didn’t work for me. It didn’t fit. All right, cool. No problem. We’ll take ’em back, send ’em back to us. I’ll send you your money back. Not a big deal. Our objective is to offer that best experience and also to be the company that someone is a proud to. If we, we send stickers, we send a free shirt, everyone gets a free shirt.

Austin Huffman (53m 19s):

I want people to be proud to, to run Biotronic and to promote it, but also too, to look back on their experience and go, Hmm, my next car, I’m getting those mufflers again. Yeah.

Sean P. Holman (53m 28s):

Yeah. So let me, let me bring up a couple points here. One is that if you own a truck, you probably own a motorcycle.

Austin Huffman (53m 35s):

Oh. Oh, here

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (53m 36s):

We go. You guys do separate bikes. You

Sean P. Holman (53m 37s):

Have a TRO motorcycle muffler.

Austin Huffman (53m 39s):

We are in development of a valve tro muffler for like, it’s starting with sport bikes. Okay. And we’ve done the initial developments and the scans and stuff for it. And we did a prototype and we put it on a Was it

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (53m 51s):

Like GSXR something or?

Austin Huffman (53m 53s):

Yes, that’s exactly what it was. It was, it was one of those, and forgive me, my bike knowledge viewer or people that were listening, forgive me, but we put it on straight piped bike, no cat nothing. Well free flow configuration on the motorcycle, right? Yes. Race, race, race

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (54m 11s):

For purposes only. It’s a race bike competition only test purposes only in the dinosaur cell. Yeah, of

Sean P. Holman (54m 15s):

Course. Absolutely.

Austin Huffman (54m 16s):

This bike was ear shattering, so exotic. It actually made the bike sound way better when the valve was open. Closed. Sound like the bike was bone stock. It was spectacular. And the big thing is the bike community needs that. Oh yeah, they do.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (54m 31s):

’cause they’re getting popped

Austin Huffman (54m 32s):

That and the, the motorcycle is a very easy target for noise problems. Yeah. When you, when you look at your community and say, okay, what are the problems in terms of noise, it’s very easy to point a finger.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (54m 44s):

The motorcycle. My brother almost sold his house in Costa Mesa, California because he’s on Beach Boulevard for those of you in the Orange County area. Harbor, Harbor Boulevard. I’m sorry, Harbor Boulevard where I say Beach. Yeah, Harbor Boulevard. Thank you. And for whatever reason it is the main thoroughfare for Harley’s. And every morning 6:00 AM there’s rallies just it’s nuts and sport bikes like crazy up harbor. And he was like, I’m going to sell this house. I can’t stand it. I have to wear earplugs on Saturday nights into Sunday mornings.

Austin Huffman (55m 13s):

That’s not good. Yeah. So if we can inspire the same enthusiasm for flexibility that we have in The truck market for the universal mufflers and in the automotive market for like our BMW and Porsche Exhaust, everybody wins. Because honestly, and it’s kind of an unfortunate thing, the motor car as a whole and bikes are a, as we can take bikes and cars collectively in trucks, they’re a very easy target for legislation. It’s very easy to point fingers at things with gas powered engines or a diesel and just be like, that’s wasteful. You should buy a Tesla or you should ride an electric moped. But there’s such passion and desire and enthusiasm around these vehicles that we need to make it so that everybody can coexist.

Austin Huffman (55m 59s):

Because quite frankly, when I drive through a neighborhood when I was like 16, 17, I used to feel like super cool in my BMW with the pops and cracks. Like I used to feel that way. Now I look at that and I’m like welcome

Sean P. Holman (56m 11s):

To B

Austin Huffman (56m 11s):

Old I I kind of, yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (56m 13s):


Sean P. Holman (56m 13s):

So I’m looking on here and I listen whether, I’m guessing not everybody who listens to The Truck. Show Podcast has a Ford Mustang GT or dark horse or has a Nissan GTR or has a fa tr tribu. But holy crap, if you guys want to see pure art artwork, go look at the F eight exhaust of 59 99, which is actually a really good deal for fer exotic fer exhaust. Yeah. Ferrara Exhaust and it’s like pie cut titanium. What about

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (56m 47s):

The freaking eight? Well, Hold On a sec.

Sean P. Holman (56m 49s):

Hold On a sec. Five, five star reviews on the Ferrari F eight exhaust. And you’re looking at it if you, if you don’t know anything about the McLaren, the Audi, any of the I mean you guys have dozens of applications. Yeah, tons. Every single one looks like a piece of industrial art. Every single exhaust that you make looks unbelievable.

Austin Huffman (57m 8s):

Sex appeal counts. Damn. It’s very important. And we find that we can actually talk about like the Corvette C eight and the e ray and the ZE six. We put out our zero six exhaust package for the C eight and it went like super, super viral.

Sean P. Holman (57m 25s):

Five grand.

Austin Huffman (57m 26s):

Yeah, five

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (57m 27s):

Grand. Because of the price of the sound or what we’re, for

Austin Huffman (57m 29s):

What reason? Because of all of

Sean P. Holman (57m 29s):

It. Okay. So by the way, the TRO housing is also titanium, I’m guessing from heating up. It’s freaking gold. And then the tips are all blued and it’s, but it’s not even,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (57m 38s):

Youre talking about the va, the vacuum actu look at it. The controller.

Sean P. Holman (57m 41s):

Look at that. The vacuum actu the housing go

Austin Huffman (57m 44s):

Freaking. Oh yeah. So like the muffler casing and everything. Holy crap.

Sean P. Holman (57m 47s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (57m 47s):

Rad. Cool. By the way, the pie cut thing is that’s labor intensive. Hugely.

Austin Huffman (57m 52s):

The configuration for us is if you’re gonna buy a TRO product from TRO designs, it must be the best sound. If you look at like the C 8 0 6 exhaust with that X pipe, which is just wild. You look at our S six 50 and S five 50, the biggest problem with mustangs when you do headers, they’re so raspy with Corsa Borla. Yeah. Any of these other exhausts, our exhaust has a center H pipe that’s resonated that it makes a regular Mustang sound like a GT three 50 with headers. No kidding. It’s amped. It’s so cool. And the big thing for us was I did not want to put a product out on the market that was not going to be the best experience because if I’m not,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (58m 30s):

It’s gonna solely your name People,

Austin Huffman (58m 32s):

People should shop somewhere else. I was not gonna put something on that’s not gonna be the best. We just finished development of our Lotus Am mirror exhaust, that car, it’s exciting. People are enthusiastic Camry engine. It sounds like a damn GT three, I swear to God. Maybe bring up the video after the show here. It is absolutely outta control E. The e ray. We had a new array in the C eight. Doesn’t rev very high. Like it revs to I think 6,000, but it barely or seven, forgive me if I’m wrong here, but you don’t get that exotic sound. The our C eight exhaust, again, similar configuration, large cross section X pipe titanium pie cuts and these large muffler casings using the OEM valve hardware, the setup just rips.

Austin Huffman (59m 15s):

It’s so nasty.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (59m 16s):

I had a technical question real quick here. You use vacuum actuated mechanisms to open and close the valves as opposed to electronic. Electronic, which I’ve seen and I’ve heard, I don’t know if this is true. I want you to tell me, is it because the electric ones get super heated and the internals just cook and eventually die? Or how did you, why are you vacuum? Or

Sean P. Holman (59m 39s):

Is it because a lot of the factory ones are vacuum and it’s just easier to have an actuator.

Austin Huffman (59m 42s):

So it it’s kind of, it’s both. We use both. Oh. So like on that Corvette, that system there, it uses the factory five pin Corvette C eight valve. You just take your valves off of your factory exhaust and put them on this one. Oh no kidding. It just works. You click the Z mode and open it’s sick. But on the universal mufflers we use vacuum because it’s a lot more robust of a technology and it’s a lot easier to understand. Electronics would’ve increased the price of the muffler a little bit too. Which I would rather have a more robust, more affordable option for people instead of putting electronics underneath the bottom of the vehicle. Now for the Porsches and the BMWs and stuff, they use really high quality electronic actuators, which you can take from the factory exhaust and put them on our exhaust, which just works.

Austin Huffman (1h 0m 32s):

But I found it’s a lot easier to understand and diagnose a problem on a vacuum actuator than it is on like an electronic valve. Because is it the wire? Is it the valves burnt out? Is it the spring’s bad? Is it, I’m not getting enough power to it? Like it’s very simple. You plug the box in, if there’s a green light word’s working, Press the button. If it’s not clicking, you probably didn’t click the right button. ’cause there’s two buttons on the remote. We get a lot of emails. People say, oh it’s not working. I’m like, did you press both buttons? If that is working okay, then maybe there’s, maybe your vacuum line isn’t connected. Is the pump running continuously? Yes. Ah, I’ve got a hole in the vacuum line. Easy fix. It’s very simple to just diagnose and correct this stuff.

Austin Huffman (1h 1m 14s):

And quite honestly, people have little questions and stuff through our customer service if they have problems. We’ve sold I think five or 6,000 of those mufflers. Dang. I’ve seen like a couple, you know, maybe five or 10 come back for like weird issues where the valve got, you know, the valve had issues. But you know, we’re here to offer like the best support possible. We had some guy who had used his mufflers on four different builds. He just cut

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 1m 39s):

’em out. He just cut ’em off and he just cut

Austin Huffman (1h 1m 41s):

’em out. He, he would, he would, he had a bunch of,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 1m 43s):

’cause I was gonna ask you about the longevity of the muffler. ’cause I had some other, I had some of your competitors on a mini Cooper and they were mounted so close to the engine. I was just boil them. Yeah, I was boiling them literally. And I was stunned. I went through, they were the resonators, not the mufflers, but the resonators as part of this exhaust system.

Austin Huffman (1h 1m 59s):

The resonators went bad. The

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 2m 0s):

Resonators kept, what kind going is that? It’s a brand that everyone knows. Sorry, I don’t,

Austin Huffman (1h 2m 5s):

I don’t wanna

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 2m 5s):

Knock anybody. Like they, they would rattle. They would, they would, it would cook the insides out and there, there was an inner tube that was supported by a circumference of the packing material. Mm. And they would, it would get loose. And they had

Sean P. Holman (1h 2m 18s):

Flow master two chambers. Wasn’t it

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 2m 21s):

Cherry bombs? Like Yeah. Cherry bombs. No they weren’t.

Austin Huffman (1h 2m 23s):

But that’s, that’s a really important thing for us is we designed the muffler casings to be of exceptional quality so you can genuinely use them forever. Here’s a testament. One of the first prototypes we ever built is still on my Mazda Miata that I’ve had for seven years. Like when I was doing the 3 35 project with the BMW and like my early days in college, I bought a red Miata and I was like, oh cool. Like I’m gonna make a valved exhaust. This Miata, we prototyped, we made a muffler with the control, the, the control harness and the same remote I’ve had for seven years. And I’m

Sean P. Holman (1h 2m 56s):

Sure the product is way better today than it was seven years ago.

Austin Huffman (1h 2m 58s):

Right. Oh, my god it’s leagues and bounds better. Just the internals of the vacuum harness and like how the valves are machined and stuff. It’s all gotten so much better. But that muffler still performs flawlessly. And it’s at the, it’s at the snap. It works so well. The exhaust configuration on that for those Miata enthusiasts is it’s free flow. No, no cat. That’s legal because it’s old. it has a Toyota Prius resonator reversed in the midsection. Oh no kidding. Sick. Very cool. And that it has the valve muffler in the rear. it has one more kind of open resonator casing with no packing it. Then it has one of our, I took a Nissan GTR tip, which is like six inches on the back. Again it looks, it’s very funny. But that it sounds like a little four cylinder Mini Cooper.

Austin Huffman (1h 3m 39s):

Like a, like an Austin mini. The ones they race at Goodwood. Yeah. Yeah. It’s, it’s like, it’s so fun and it’s, it sounds smooth and exotic, which is, that to me makes me so happy. But the fact that product can work so well on that application. And on your TRX, do

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 3m 53s):

You see a future at TRO for vehicle truck specific exhaust systems?

Austin Huffman (1h 3m 58s):

Possibly. The, the thing is is we’ve had such success making one product that just fits and works. Mm. I don’t want to have to pass on the engineering cost. So the consumer that much, I would rather just educate everybody that hey this product exists, use it and apply it to every other thing. You like the way that the Borla S type or whatever exhaust sounds. Yeah, perfect. You can just add the universal muffler in line. Don’t even take out any of the Borla mufflers. So then you have that setup where you can have that control. And I mean we see wild, wild truck applications to where we’ve seen side dumps, we’ve seen off-road buggies, we’ve seen everything you can imagine two J swapped Nissan patrols. Just wild stuff with this muffler.

Austin Huffman (1h 4m 40s):

The applications are broad. So for us, I would rather keep the cost low instead of having to engineer and really spend a bunch of money to build the best truck exhaust. Because if it’s gonna come from tro, it’s gonna be the

Sean P. Holman (1h 4m 51s):

Best. Is that because trucks have so much more real estate, you can package the mufflers a lot easier. Whereas all the exotics and stuff, you really have to have an engineer.

Austin Huffman (1h 4m 58s):

It’s very, very tight. Yeah. Yeah. I mean

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 4m 60s):

By the way, on the TRX Holman, if you look closely, there’s not as much room as you’d think. Like it’s tight

Austin Huffman (1h 5m 5s):

’cause the drive shaft,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 5m 6s):

’cause we’ve got the drive shaft gotta have a full flex in there. And so yeah,

Austin Huffman (1h 5m 9s):

The amount of time it’s gonna take to really build the best configure. And also too, I’m saying this right now, just as this at the, as the response of this question, you might, we might turn around tomorrow and be like, oh that’s actually a good idea. Let’s build some, you know, full truck exhausts. I would just say though that I’d rather someone be able to have this technology for less rather than spending, it would probably be, our systems would at least be 16, $1,800. Yeah. For a full exhaust with valves.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 5m 34s):

Yeah. This just makes so much more sense what you’re doing now.

Austin Huffman (1h 5m 36s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 5m 36s):

Unless somebody has 1800 bucks in their, that’s true pocket and they’re willing to play.

Austin Huffman (1h 5m 39s):

Well the cool thing is, is if you I mean my full exhaust, let’s discount the headers. ’cause I wanted a different sound, like the free flow pipes that I have on that and the mufflers, if you were to buy that, I think I, from Cornerstone performance, those free flow sections were $400. The mufflers with due of them are 600. So you can have a full wild exhaust that’s controllable for like maybe 13, $1,400 with install. No kidding,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 6m 5s):

Kidding. That’s a full exhaust. Yeah.

Austin Huffman (1h 6m 7s):

How could anybody lose I mean there, there’s only one way to go forward and it’s to give people the opportunity to have the control and no compromise. That’s how we do it.

Sean P. Holman (1h 6m 15s):

Well if you’re looking for a controllable exhaust note like Lightning for your truck,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 6m 23s):

I do not have a controllable note. It’s all loud all the time. And you wanna hang

Sean P. Holman (1h 6m 27s):

Out with us or you wanna go over to tro dot com and then you guys have a pretty robust social presence. Huge host of presence. Yeah. Yeah. So your TRO designs on Facebook, on Instagram. You guys are at tro. You guys also have your TRO designs YouTube page.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 6m 45s):

Got it. Dude, it’s been a treat, haven’t you? In Absolutely. It’s

Austin Huffman (1h 6m 47s):

Been a pleasure being here as well.

Sean P. Holman (1h 6m 48s):

Yeah. Yeah. I didn’t even know you were in town until I

Austin Huffman (1h 6m 51s):

Texted you like two days ago.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 6m 52s):

Here he is like is Austin, he’s on the phone, he’s coming in, he’s like, he doesn’t live in California. I go, he’s in California. He’s coming over. I’m coming

Sean P. Holman (1h 6m 59s):

Over, coming over. It is awesome.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 7m 0s):

And we didn’t even get a chance to talk about your Porsche GT three rss. That’s outside. That’s brand new mackerel. That thing is wicked. Thank you. Oh.

Sean P. Holman (1h 7m 6s):

My, yeah, my, my wife goes, I think your guest is here. Yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 7m 10s):

Well, so wait a minute. didn didn’t know what you were driving and I, what did I ask you when you walked in? I said, who’s on the motorcycle outside? I’m like, who’s on? Because it sounded,

Sean P. Holman (1h 7m 19s):

Oh, I wasn’t paying

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 7m 19s):

Attention to when you said that. Okay. You never pay attention. I thought it was a bike. Yeah, that, that certain note was like,

Austin Huffman (1h 7m 26s):

Well the cool thing is with that setup, we wanted to build a configuration that would use stock headers. That car does not have like race headers or anything. It just has a rear section. And we wanted to make it as exotic as possible because

Sean P. Holman (1h 7m 37s):

It sounded exotic.

Austin Huffman (1h 7m 38s):

Everybody out there has to use like ca to use race headers saying other companies, not paltro, use like Catless race products to make the cars really loud and really exotic. I wanted to build a system where you could genuinely bring the car to your Porsche dealer and they would say, this car, there’s no way this is factory. And you’d look under it and you go, those are factory headers. Yeah.

Sean P. Holman (1h 7m 58s):

Wow. Nice. This is

Austin Huffman (1h 7m 59s):

Just a cat back and it sounds nice. Spectacular.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 8m 1s):

Yeah. Congrats. Thank you sir.

Austin Huffman (1h 8m 2s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 8m 3s):

Cool. Lighting wants a ride.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 8m 5s):

Yes, I kind of do. I’m not gonna lie. Thank you Austin.

Austin Huffman (1h 8m 8s):

Cool. Thank you guys.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 8m 12s):

All right. Free loop. It’s time for some new,

9 (1h 8m 15s):

What’s new in trucks? We need to know what’s new in trucks. We need to know what’s new in trucks. We need

3 (1h 8m 23s):

To know lifted, lowered and everything in between. What’s happening in the world of trucks?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 8m 30s):

Ah, it was good. It was good-ish. It was good adjacent. It was,

Sean P. Holman (1h 8m 37s):

It was all right. I guess. Hey Lighting, have You Heard go?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 8m 41s):

No, no.

Sean P. Holman (1h 8m 42s):

The 2025 Cadillac Escalade starts at, what do you think,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 8m 46s):

25 Cadillac Escalade starts at $91,000.

Sean P. Holman (1h 8m 51s):

89. 590. Which means

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 8m 53s):

It, I was close

Sean P. Holman (1h 8m 54s):

5,700 more than before. And nope, you lose by price. Right Rules. Hey Lighting have You. Heard, what

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 9m 2s):

Are you deaf and stupid? I said, no, no negative.

Sean P. Holman (1h 9m 5s):

Apparently there’s been some sort of issue with 5.3 liter engine blocks having contamination on Chevy Silverado, Tahoes and Suburbans.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 9m 15s):

What type of contamination

Sean P. Holman (1h 9m 17s):

Have You Heard about that?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 9m 18s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 9m 18s):

So I, I guess it was due to potentially manufacturing. So there’s a customer satisfaction program N 2 4 2 4 5 5 3 0 1, which affects certain 24 Silverados. 1,524 Tahoes 24 suburbans. It’s a condition where the engine block of the 5.3 liter V eight may be contaminated. So check this out. To rectify the problem, certify general motor technicians. So your dealer have been instructed to inspect the affected vehicles. And guess what the fix is?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 9m 48s):

What? I don’t know what kind, it’s like sand in the block from like a casting or something. I, I don’t know what the fix could be. So I, because I don’t know the problem.

Sean P. Holman (1h 9m 55s):

Replace the engine.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 9m 57s):

Oh no Whoa,

9 (1h 10m 0s):

That’s not right.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 2s):

No, that is not right. So they don’t say

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 4s):

What the contamination is, but they do say it should take a GM tech just under 20 hours to perform. It doesn’t, it doesn’t say how many vehicles are affected. But man, first Toyota now a gm. What’s going on out there guys?

3 (1h 10m 20s):

This place blows.

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 21s):

Well this engine anyway. Hey Lightning, did you hear?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 24s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 25s):

Those cocky sobs over at GMC think they’re gonna have the bestselling electric truck brand.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 32s):

I mean based on

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 33s):

What? They have two trucks.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 35s):

Yeah. Yeah.

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 36s):

The, the Sierra EV and the Hummer ev. So those are their two trucks that get sold at the GMC dealers. And of course they’re going against the Rivian of the world and the cyber trucks of the world with Tesla I mean is that, I guess you, maybe

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 50s):

It’s possible. I will say that the Denali version, Stephen Ford

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 52s):

Only has

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 10m 53s):

One. The Denali looks good and I was, I’m

Sean P. Holman (1h 10m 56s):

It’s better. The interior actually looks more luxurious versus the Silverado, which looks like a work truck and the interior’s kind of old looking to me. Yeah. Way better than the Sierra. Like way better. Like not even close.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 11m 9s):

No, it’s a totally different

Sean P. Holman (1h 11m 10s):

Truck. It’s like the difference between a, let’s say a Tesla Highland, which is their updated three and a,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 11m 19s):

I didn’t even know Tesla had a, an updated three. It’s called a

Sean P. Holman (1h 11m 21s):

Hy. That was their code name for the update for you. I know that that just came out right now. Okay. The difference between that and a Toyota Yaris interior, that’s sort of like how drastically better the, the GMC interiors. So you know, they’re up against Ford also, which has the Lightning. And you would think Ford is no way gonna just lay down and roll over and let GMC, this small GM brand be the leader in pickup trucks, right. For EVs.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 11m 46s):

What’s Ford gonna do? How are they gonna answer fire? So

Sean P. Holman (1h 11m 49s):

What’s interesting is there’s been a lot of news lately about all the manufacturers backing out of EVs, especially looking at the political landscape and kind of pumping the brakes right now and kind of I think waiting for the election to see like where to spend their billions. Yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 12m 2s):

And rental cars are pulling out I mean rental car companies are pulling out of them. Yeah.

Sean P. Holman (1h 12m 5s):

Just tank the secondary used car market by dumping like, you know, 80,000 Tesla model threes or something like that. But they say an affordable Ford ev mid-size pickup is still coming in 27, even though the project T three fully electric truck is delayed on indefinitely for now. So it’s interesting. And I heard that that Ford ev mid-size truck was, is actually, has been designed in Long Beach at Ford’s design center there. Oh,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 12m 29s):

No kidding. It’s kind

Sean P. Holman (1h 12m 30s):

Of cool. Hmm. But I’m thinking like the, I I absolutely love my aria. Love it. But the one vehicle I need that I don’t have, I really need a pickup

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 12m 38s):

Maverick. Well, you wanted the Maverick.

Sean P. Holman (1h 12m 40s):

Well, I like the Maverick, but I don’t think it’s enough truck for me.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 12m 44s):

Well, but you don’t, do you need more hauling capacity?

Sean P. Holman (1h 12m 47s):

Well, yeah, if I’m going up to the, the ranch or you know, whatever and I gotta move stuff around and Oh

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 12m 52s):

Yeah, yeah. I forgot that you’ve got some property, you’re gonna have to, you need a full size.

Sean P. Holman (1h 12m 55s):

I, but I don’t think I can, I don’t think I can afford a full size unless I got like, like the perfect full size would be a 1992 Ford F three 50 power stroke seven three regular cab tray bed because

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 13m 11s):

It’s a four by four’s, A small full size. And it’s, yeah. And

Sean P. Holman (1h 13m 14s):

It’s old and it’s, and

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 13m 15s):

It’s old and it’s relative and it’s affordable,

Sean P. Holman (1h 13m 16s):

Easy to work on. Right. But if I was going to replace and get just a, an ev vehicle to slot in after my aria leases up, maybe a little ev pickup that could do both things might be good. I

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 13m 28s):

Don’t know. Like, what’s that option? You don’t have that option

Sean P. Holman (1h 13m 30s):

Today? Well, Ford’s coming up by, by that time with the, their new mid-size.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 13m 34s):

But we don’t know what it is.

Sean P. Holman (1h 13m 35s):

I have no idea. It’s like just surmising.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 13m 37s):

That means it’s like unibody. We don’t know. No, no.

Sean P. Holman (1h 13m 39s):

I I think it’s gonna be

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 13m 40s):

Body on frame. Well,

Sean P. Holman (1h 13m 41s):

I mean skateboard probably. Okay. So we’ll see. Who knows? We just know that it’s a mid-size pickup truck and it’s intriguing to me.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 13m 49s):

And the moral of the story is gm, how are you gonna do it? I mean, how are you gonna, how are you gonna beat everybody else? And especially

Sean P. Holman (1h 13m 55s):

At their prices, pickup trucks, like they’re selling all premium stuff. Super expensive. Lightning’s getting cheaper. Rivian got a crazy lease deal right now. And,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 14m 2s):

When you say crazy, you’re talking about sub $1,000 a month.

Sean P. Holman (1h 14m 5s):

Oh yeah. Oh wait, wait. Yeah, I think five something. Wait, what? Yeah, for a R one TI think a dual or a three motor. Excuse me. Yeah, so there’s some seriously good lease deals.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 14m 13s):

You can get a rivian for less than 750 bucks is what you’re saying.

Sean P. Holman (1h 14m 19s):

I’m saying you can go right now and they’ve got a killer lease deal on the R one T. Here you go.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 14m 26s):

I’m stunned. I’m

Sean P. Holman (1h 14m 27s):

Available configuration starting at 6 51 a month.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 14m 30s):

Okay. So you, you’re probably gonna touch seven 50 with some options, but still that’s

Sean P. Holman (1h 14m 35s):

Or or it depends on your down payment and all that kinda stuff. So, but that’s very sub 1000. That’s a lot of truck. A lot of truck. That’s still one of my favorites. Oh, also talked to some friends over at Volkswagen’s a little. Yeah. Electric startup scout. Oh

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 14m 49s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 14m 50s):

Hmm. Good stuff coming.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 14m 51s):

Oh really?

Sean P. Holman (1h 14m 51s):

Real good stuff coming.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 14m 52s):

Oh, by the way, going back to Rivian, I talked to Mike Vu who is one of their, like, he’s somewhere in the mix in their design team for interior design. I’m like, dude, I gotta have you on the show. And he goes, I’d love to, I can’t. Yeah. He’s like, I have to get permission. Yeah. It’s like, oh

Sean P. Holman (1h 15m 8s):

Man. Yeah. And he used to know they’re a global comms person, but he moved on. So that’s

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 15m 12s):

Mike v used to work at Alpine and was incredibly talented and we have to figure out a way to get him on the show.

Sean P. Holman (1h 15m 18s):

Well we can get him on the show. We can bleep out where he works.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 15m 21s):

Well then what’s

Sean P. Holman (1h 15m 22s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 15m 22s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 15m 22s):

Because he still has like interesting information storytelling.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 15m 26s):

But he, he’s gonna, he,

Sean P. Holman (1h 15m 28s):

I work for a, my, my name is Vik Mu and I work for,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 15m 35s):

And we pitch his voice all the way down

Sean P. Holman (1h 15m 36s):

Rivian. Hey Lightning have You Heard. No,

10 (1h 15m 40s):

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Sean P. Holman (1h 15m 43s):

I suppose this would be a really bad time to segue into the massive rivian fire that they had at their plant in normal Illinois. Yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 15m 51s):

Not so normal anymore. Is it?

Sean P. Holman (1h 15m 53s):

Did you see the photo of 50 Rivian going up with the fireball? Oh

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 15m 56s):

No, Oh. my Lord. Wait a minute. That might sound effect. Didn’t even do that justice.

Sean P. Holman (1h 16m 3s):

No, no, it’s a, that is a giant inferno. A huge explosion. So explosion. So now it burned down a bunch of ’em. And so they had what

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 16m 9s):

Caused the fire? Do we know?

Sean P. Holman (1h 16m 11s):

It’s unclear what started it, but I wanna say it was 50. This article says, was

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 16m 16s):

It a Tesla semi that set all the rivian on fire?

Sean P. Holman (1h 16m 19s):

No, that’s only when they fly off of the highway. Oh I see. Yeah, it was on a Saturday night and there’s an investigation and somebody took a drone photo today and it showed a bunch of like Conex containers basically barricading around all the burned out rivian.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 16m 34s):

So you couldn’t get close to take a photo. Oh

Sean P. Holman (1h 16m 36s):

Yeah. I’m assuming tore just trying to block it off. Ooh that is, that’s B bad or, or keep, yeah. Or keep it from, you know, if something happens, listen, battery fires are mu bad. Yeah, muy bad. So anyway, not a lot of info on that, but we will update the story. And glad nobody was, nobody was injured in that deal. Hey Lighting have You Heard.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 16m 59s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 16m 60s):

So interesting that Walter p Chrysler, his great grandson is, well he wants to save Dodge in Chrysler from Stellantis Hold On

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 17m 8s):

A second. Walter P Chrysler is what you say when you’re like angry and confused. You’re like, you stand up and you go

11 (1h 17m 13s):

Walter P Chrysler. Are you kidding me?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 17m 17s):

It’s like a made up name, isn’t

Sean P. Holman (1h 17m 18s):

It? It’s a real name and a legend in automotive. Okay. Anyway, his great grandson, Frank B. Rhodes Jr. Don’t just leave it alone Lightning, can I get through a story?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 17m 29s):

Go ahead. I didn’t interrupt you.

Sean P. Holman (1h 17m 31s):

You were the, the words were forming. Anyway, he made this short video on YouTube discussing the need to protect Chrysler and Dodge’s future. And it was, it showed nostalgia and talked about Chrysler’s first card in 26. It involvement with US military during World War ii, you know, all that kind of stuff you can find on YouTube if you search for Chrysler 21st century FB roads and that’s R-H-O-D-E-S. So anyway, he’s has a proposal but it’s kinda like he just, I think he’s just bummed that something that has his family name is being squandered by the Frenchies. Hey Lighting have You Heard.

12 (1h 18m 8s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 18m 13s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 18m 14s):

Speaking of the French, I came across an article that showed the headlights off of Bugatti Sharan and so they only made 500 of ’em. So there’s of the

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 18m 23s):

Bugatti or the headlights

Sean P. Holman (1h 18m 24s):

Of the Bugatti. So it’d be a thousand headlights. And so obviously they’re not a cheap car and they’re not cheap units.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 18m 31s):

You’re gonna ask me to guess how much the headlights are? I would

Sean P. Holman (1h 18m 34s):

Like you to

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 18m 34s):

Yes. Didn’t we do a segment not long ago on what were the most expensive truck lights? Yes we did. I think were they F two 50 lights? They,

Sean P. Holman (1h 18m 39s):

Something like that. And

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 18m 40s):

They were well of a thousand dollars a pair of,

Sean P. Holman (1h 18m 42s):

Yep. So can you,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 18m 43s):

Okay yes. For Bugatti Sharon Headlights, I’m gonna guess, is this a pair or individual?

Sean P. Holman (1h 18m 50s):

I’m assuming this is a pair, but I could be wrong.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 18m 52s):

Okay, so I’m going to say that they are $12,000 for the pair.

Sean P. Holman (1h 18m 58s):

Okay. Porsche nine 11 Carrera GTS is $164,900. And a pair of headlights off of Bugatti 164,000 with today’s exchange rate. Wait,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 19m 13s):

Wait. Hold On a second just for the headlights. Wait, Hold On a second. The Porsche headlights were a hundred.

Sean P. Holman (1h 19m 19s):

No, the car, the car gts.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 19m 21s):

Oh, okay. I would say is

Sean P. Holman (1h 19m 22s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 19m 22s):

The Porsche thing. Okay. Yes. Right. And you’re saying that the Bugatti lights are the same price as the Porsche.

Sean P. Holman (1h 19m 27s):

It was an ad on eBay, Germany. And they are the Vallejo headlights for the Sharon with a price tag of 147,000 euros, which comes out to about $164,000 today.

11 (1h 19m 39s):

Two. True. That’s not true. So get your facts straight.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 19m 45s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 19m 46s):

Crazy. So anyway, what’s interesting, so this was on motor one dot com and I know this isn’t truck, but I still fascinates me ’cause we love all things automotive, right? Yeah, of course. And so apparently taillights are $10,000.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 20m 0s):

Oh come on. A

Sean P. Holman (1h 20m 1s):

Key is $13,547. I mean

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 20m 4s):

What, what are they making?

Sean P. Holman (1h 20m 5s):

One eighty four hundred and forty $9 for a set of tires. 18,317 for front brake rotors. 6,764 for front brake pads, which I willwood on. Do you think they have anything for the Bugatti? No they don’t. No they don’t. $18,317 for rear brake rotors. 4,024 for rear brake pads. Transmission is 185,000. The lights are almost as much as the transmission. So annual service by the way, 11,500. That’s a deal.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 20m 34s):

Yeah. That’s crazy. Here’s so there’s a guy named Manny. What is Manny’s last name? If you look him up, if you like Bugatti Manny on YouTube. Yeah, he comes up. So he lives in Newport Beach, California. Not far. Not

Sean P. Holman (1h 20m 46s):

In a van by, down by the, the river?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 20m 48s):

No, not in a van. Any, you know, right off the 4 0 5 freeway here. The place that looks like a, a palace, it’s all white with the, with the golden gates around it. Down by South Coast Plaza. Yeah. That used

Sean P. Holman (1h 20m 59s):

To be a religious compound for the TV network.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 21m 3s):

So he bought that. Okay. And that’s his garage now. Oh cool. That’s what it’s a massive, it’s

Sean P. Holman (1h 21m 8s):

Funny’s right in the middle of a neighborhood. Correct. There’s no access from like a main street. You drive through people’s houses to get there.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 21m 13s):

Yeah, but he’s right on the 4 0 5 freeway, which is, well

Sean P. Holman (1h 21m 16s):

You can see it, but you can’t get off there, there,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 21m 17s):

That’s correct. Yeah. But anyway, so he bought that and he has, he has the airme version of the Bugatti, like a one of one and he has a, a one or two Sharons. So

Sean P. Holman (1h 21m 28s):

When are we going?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 21m 28s):

And I don’t know him personally, but

Sean P. Holman (1h 21m 30s):

Why are we talking about this? Because

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 21m 31s):

It’s crazy because he lives like here where we are and he like, he’s gotta, if someone knocks out a headlight, he’s gonna have to spend a hundred g bonkers.

Sean P. Holman (1h 21m 39s):

Yeah, well that’s the fuck bonkers. Listen, how does he

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 21m 42s):

Have that kind of money?

Sean P. Holman (1h 21m 43s):

That’s listen. Yeah, he does. Yeah. Hey, Lighting have You Heard.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 21m 47s):

I said no, no I haven’t. Uhuh.

Sean P. Holman (1h 21m 50s):

So as you know, we talked about the Ford Maverick in a lot of detail recently. And the 2025 Ford Maverick starts at 27,890, I believe that’s including Destination. And Hyundai just came out with their pricing for the 2025 Hyundai Santa Cruz, which gets a $1,910 price hike. So the base trim starts at 29,895. So like a couple grand more than the Maverick. Like why wouldn’t you

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 22m 20s):

Just, you do the Maverick.

Sean P. Holman (1h 22m 21s):

I’d get the Maverick not even close. Like I, I know Hyundai’s coming out with better cars. I just don’t see them as a premium brand. I know there’s a lot of people saying good things. They’re

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 22m 30s):

Trying really hard. No,

Sean P. Holman (1h 22m 30s):

I know. I just don’t,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 22m 32s):

Like you said the, the, I grew up in the

Sean P. Holman (1h 22m 33s):

Eighties. Genesis, I saw the Excel. I know what

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 22m 36s):

Have you seen the Genesis

Sean P. Holman (1h 22m 37s):

SUVs Great. They’re great cars. The GV 80 Great. Looks fine. And honestly Genesis from as far as a luxury brand, like great, they’re making great stuff. They hired I think a bunch of BM BMW designers and they changed the language.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 22m 47s):

The promise is still Genesis until it, it’s not Genesis anymore.

Sean P. Holman (1h 22m 50s):

I’d rather have a Genesis than a Hyundai.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 22m 52s):

Oh yeah. Oh yeah, for sure. But like, you don’t, the Hyundai is, and the, the genesis is, well,

Sean P. Holman (1h 22m 59s):

I I actually think the genesis are pretty decent.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 23m 2s):

It’s not that the quality’s not good. No. When, when you’re getting into that level. Yeah, it’s like you gotta do’s how A BM BMW or Mercedes,

Sean P. Holman (1h 23m 10s):

Right? No, that’s how Lexus and Infiniti got in. They gave you BMW and Mercedes quality at a near luxury price

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 23m 17s):

Point. But it was, but it was Toyota, which was really respected

Sean P. Holman (1h 23m 20s):

And Nissan. But I’m just saying like, that’s how they started those luxury brands. You gotta start somewhere. And honestly, Genesis has come up a lot. I’m just not a huge Korean car fan. Like, come at me Hyundai, prove me wrong. Come, come

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 23m 35s):

Get I. mean there’s some Kias. I mean I wanted to tell you. Right? It was a great car.

Sean P. Holman (1h 23m 38s):

Yeah. I mean,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 23m 40s):

Although the sound system was o

Sean P. Holman (1h 23m 42s):

Yeah. I all the worst. They could be better. They need a guy like me to go in there and be like, Hey, if you want,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 23m 46s):

Be authentic. Do do they not have ears in Korea? Like, I don’t understand. What were they listening to? Like

Sean P. Holman (1h 23m 52s):

That’s how, that’s how bad your sound system

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 23m 54s):

Was. That was, it was just awful. There was no highs, no lows. It wasn’t even as bad as bows. Okay. I mean it wasn’t as good as Bose. All right.

Sean P. Holman (1h 23m 59s):

They light have You Heard

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 24m 1s):

9, 9, 9, 9 9 Nom. No.

Sean P. Holman (1h 24m 4s):

So going back to Supercars. ’cause why not Horatio? Paani says he’s sticking with V twelves because quote unquote, no one wants a hybrid. So yes, we should,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 24m 14s):

Even after Porsche and Ferrari are doing hybrids, that’s good for Paani Iss like no. So is he keeping Mercedes in business with the V 12?

Sean P. Holman (1h 24m 21s):

Maybe he will be I mean. Why?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 24m 23s):

Because aren’t all those PA’s Mercedes engines?

Sean P. Holman (1h 24m 25s):

I think so. I think they’re based on that. Yeah. Oh,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 24m 27s):

So good for him. Yeah. Keeping the dream alive.

Sean P. Holman (1h 24m 29s):

Give him a, give him a trophy. Hey Lightning have You Heard I mean now. Now So, we talked about the Ram 1500 classic going adios. Right? So it, it’s funny because we’ve, we get the, the note from, you know, stellantis saying, Hey in from Ram, it’s finally dead. We’re killing it out with the VA eight. And there’s no fanfare how much money that thing printed for Ram over the years.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 24m 51s):

It’s because it was boring. It wasn’t

Sean P. Holman (1h 24m 53s):

Boring. It was a great truck. I didn. It’s still a great

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 24m 55s):

Truck. I didn’t say it wasn’t a great truck. You could be a great truck and boring.

Sean P. Holman (1h 24m 58s):

No, it’s not boring. It’s not boring at all. Yeah, it’s boring. Listen, the Brazilians did a full like Ram 1500 classic RT farewell. It’s kind of rad Red blacked out grills some graphics on it. 20 inch wheels.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 25m 11s):

Hemi. It’s fine, it’s fine. I don’t hate it. It’s just No,

Sean P. Holman (1h 25m 13s):

But at least they did something. No, you’re, you have problems. Mm. You, you, you’re just too, you’re just up on your pedestal. ’cause you have a T Rx

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 25m 24s):

And you No, no, no. Hold. On say

Sean P. Holman (1h 25m 26s):

The average person can afford that.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 25m 28s):

I’m not saying it’s not a good truck. I’m saying at a certain point rest it. Move on as a car company

Sean P. Holman (1h 25m 33s):

Just did. That’s the story.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 25m 34s):

Okay. But it’s like you don’t have to have fanfare.

Sean P. Holman (1h 25m 37s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 25m 37s):

It wasn’t like a, it’s not a halo product for them. It

Sean P. Holman (1h 25m 41s):

Absolutely made all the money Your T Rx exists because

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 25m 44s):

Of That’s not Halo. That’s not halo. Halo is something that’s like,

Sean P. Holman (1h 25m 47s):

No, no. If you’re looking at the RAM brand, the RAM 1500 was it’s Halo product. That’s what printed money for them. That’s why you have a

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 25m 55s):

TRX. No, no, no you don’t. You misunderstand the No

Sean P. Holman (1h 25m 57s):

I’m not misunderstanding. Hey Louis. No, you’re saying it’s a bespoke vehicle that’s blah blah, it’s limited and blah blah blah. That’s what you’re saying. Is it not

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 26m 6s):

A halo? Oh God. Anything is you sell a few of them and it gets all the press and that press bleeds into the stuff that’s a little more milk toast

Sean P. Holman (1h 26m 17s):

Or you have a very simple lineup and you have a high volume vehicle that make allows you to make cool stuff.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 26m 22s):

That’s fine. And that’s what that was.

Sean P. Holman (1h 26m 25s):

Hey Lighting have You Heard?

13 (1h 26m 28s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 26m 29s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 26m 30s):

Where did you get that from?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 26m 33s):

Don’t know. Cracks me

Sean P. Holman (1h 26m 34s):

Up. Why the hell don’t we have a Ford Everest tremor here?

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 26m 37s):

I don’t know what that is. It’s

Sean P. Holman (1h 26m 38s):

Basically based on a think about if the Ford Explorer never went unibody, it was still based on the Ranger. It’s available overseas. They used be a tremor version. Damn.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 26m 48s):

It’s pretty

Sean P. Holman (1h 26m 48s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 26m 49s):

Wait what the heck? That is a

Sean P. Holman (1h 26m 50s):

Body on frame four. Wheel drive 30 threes.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 26m 54s):

That is Hold On a second. That’s every SUV con all squished together. That is who cares? Looks great. No it’s cool. It’s very cool looking huh.

Sean P. Holman (1h 27m 2s):

And you get a three liter diesel with 443 pound feet of torque.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 27m 6s):

You get a diesel.

Sean P. Holman (1h 27m 7s):

Apparently some people caught it testing in the United States even though it’s not coming here. But they introduced the Everest tremor in Australia and it’s got Bill Stein on it. It’s got general grabber a T three tires, an inch of ground clearance. It’s basically rad. So it just Google Ford Everest tremor and check it out ’cause it’s freaking awesome. And it’s one of those stupid things we can’t have here.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 27m 30s):

Can I ask a dumb question? Hmm. How many people do you think base their vehicle purchase decision on tires? Because they’ll highlight it in, you know, on the list of things like, hey, it’s got so much towing capacity and it’s got room for seven and blah blah blah and it’s got these tires and I think the tires are cool but the tires are disposable. They’re going to wear out. So why highlight them?

Sean P. Holman (1h 27m 57s):

Because it means you don’t have to replace them off the factory floor. And it also means that here’s the size that you can have on there for per in perpetuity. We gave you an inch taller tire. That’s a big deal.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 28m 8s):

Okay. But then they’re like, you are like general grabbers I mean they’re great tires, but like great.

Sean P. Holman (1h 28m 13s):

So you know you’re not getting a cheap pile of crap tire that’s gonna leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 28m 17s):

Do you think there’re, so you think it’s a good selling point? Absolutely. Okay.

Sean P. Holman (1h 28m 21s):

Do you want just like a, A Zeus? Well no, the reason a Chinese Zeus or

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 28m 26s):

Something, honestly I’m asking from an honest place because I look at it and go, it doesn’t matter. The tires don’t matter to me ’cause I’m gonna replace ’em.

Sean P. Holman (1h 28m 33s):

Well that’s you though.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 28m 34s):

But I, I know that’s why I asked the question because I can’t step out of me You know what I’m saying? I wish I could

Sean P. Holman (1h 28m 40s):

Well it. You’re not the only one. Hey, Lighting have You Heard.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 28m 47s):

That’s what I said when I couldn’t step out of me. Oh

Sean P. Holman (1h 28m 49s):

Geez. So for just updated the Bronco sport for 2025, they basically announced the Bronco Sport Sasquatch package.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 28m 59s):

Okay, I’m interested. Yeah,

Sean P. Holman (1h 29m 0s):


Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 29m 1s):

Freaking rad. I’m, I’m a little interested.

Sean P. Holman (1h 29m 2s):

Freaking rad. So

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 29m 4s):

Are you gonna show me

Sean P. Holman (1h 29m 4s):

The Bronco Sport came out and No, I’m gonna explain it first then I’m gonna show it to you. Came out in 2021 and it’s the small Bronco, not the big Bronco. I know there’s a lot of confusion there. They just did a mid cycle refresh. So for 2025 there’s a few changes. Kinda go along with Maverick. You get the 13.2 inch infotainment system, you get the Sync four interface. But now you get the Sasquatch package. So the Sasquatch package includes Bill Stein and rear shocks with percent. The Sasquatch package includes Bill Stein and rear shocks, which is like how cheap are you forward? Like just the rears, just put ’em all the way around anyway with position sensitive damping and piggyback reservoirs. If I were Bill Stein, I would develop the front shocks to go with that and go, Hey Sasquatch package.

Sean P. Holman (1h 29m 47s):

Yeah, we have the front ones.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 29m 48s):

I’ll bet

Sean P. Holman (1h 29m 49s):

You they already have 200 bucks. Two 50 bucks done.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 29m 51s):

Should we call Steve Ons? We should. If you’re already working on it, we should. And be

Sean P. Holman (1h 29m 53s):

Like, you guys need to do this revised front and rear springs. Increased ride height, twin clutch rear drive units. So same as the Maverick tremor, a front brush guard, steel skid plate, 2 35, 65 17 Goodyear territory, all-terrain tires, Lightning, I don’t care. So it’s like a 20, I think it’s a 29 inch tire new rally goat drive mode so that you can drift it, which is super rad. According to Ford, they said that they did research and Bronco sport customers love the outdoors and go offroading 3.5 times as often as the owner of any competitive brand. No kidding. Which I believe I see those things fricking everywhere and they’re really capable. So anyway, it’s, it’s kinda cool. So, this is the Bronco Sport Sasquatch here.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 30m 37s):

You know the first one that I had seen that looked really good. That’s a good looking car. It’s

Sean P. Holman (1h 30m 40s):

Got a modular steel center section on the bumper and you can put a hoop on it. I

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 30m 44s):

Don’t like the, the bowl. What do you call it? The bull bar. Bull bar. Yeah. I’m not a fan of that, but it looks good. So remember, you know John P who works for Toyo?

Sean P. Holman (1h 30m 52s):

I do know John P

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 30m 53s):

And he’s got that, what do you call that mint color? That it’s a really cool minty.

Sean P. Holman (1h 30m 59s):

Minty fresh.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 30m 60s):

Minty fresh. That’s what I wanted to say. IL it’s, it’s it’s mint and then white wheels.

Sean P. Holman (1h 31m 5s):

Oh yeah, I’ve seen, I’ve

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 31m 6s):

Seen that. And it’s a really good look.

Sean P. Holman (1h 31m 8s):

So a couple other things I wanna point out is, so it’s got the silver center section in the front and the rear, but check out the rear toe points. So you’ll notice the, the awesome U-shaped shackles that are recessed in the rear bumper.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 31m 20s):

I see that they’re very prominent.

Sean P. Holman (1h 31m 21s):

Pretty cool. And then also it’s got extra skid plating. The bumper’s been reshaped for a better approach angle. So it’s got some additional ground clearance. I

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 31m 29s):

Like the

Sean P. Holman (1h 31m 30s):

Wheels. Yeah, it has unique wheels. What

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 31m 31s):

Is up with like, this is weird.

Sean P. Holman (1h 31m 33s):

Wheels are starting to get cool

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 31m 34s):

I mean like are they, they were always so boring and lame or actually borderline ugly and all of a sudden the always have said, okay, Wheel designers, go for it.

Sean P. Holman (1h 31m 45s):

So here’s one of my favorite features. So, we, the little vent is on the, of the back of the front fender. Now it’s a little arm that comes up. So you can put a tie down, strap through it. They flip up lock into place and you can hold the front of your canoe down.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 32m 0s):

So You know what this is. If yous awesome. Do you remember those Volkswagens that had SEMA four turn signals way back in the sixties? Except

Sean P. Holman (1h 32m 6s):

This is a semaphore tie down instead of a turn signal. Yeah,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 32m 8s):

That’s that. That’s sharp. Super smart. That is really smart. And whatever, how strong it’s, it’s gotta be tied into the frame.

Sean P. Holman (1h 32m 13s):

A hundred pounds they said. Oh wow. So very strong. Okay. And it takes from a Raptor with the Upfitter switches. So it’s got four ox switches, which is pretty awesome. So, this is the one to start with. Pricing hasn’t been announced yet, but it’s got some pretty decent off-road shops, especially with the twin clutch rear differential. So this thing is badass. Dude, I, if you are in the market for a little cable and you’re looking at like Subarus and stuff, like a cross track

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 32m 38s):

Or the Outback or

Sean P. Holman (1h 32m 39s):

Whatever they call dump, dump it. Yeah. Go. Go get this. This thing is is super rad.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 32m 42s):

So I am seeing so many of those Subarus

Sean P. Holman (1h 32m 44s):

Everywhere. Everywhere.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 32m 46s):

I don’t know, how did they become so trendy? I

Sean P. Holman (1h 32m 47s):

Don’t know. But every kid in college wants one and has one now.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 32m 50s):

Oh yeah? Yeah. My oldest one. Boys

Sean P. Holman (1h 32m 51s):

And girls, by the way. Yeah. Yeah,

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 32m 52s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 32m 53s):

It’s crazy.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 32m 53s):

Yeah, it’s a unisex car.

Sean P. Holman (1h 32m 55s):

Go get a Bronco Sport Sasquatch package. It actually makes the Bronco Sport super rad, I think.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 33m 1s):

Okay, if you happen to have a new story you want us to cover, send it to Truck show podcast at gmail dot com. Holman at truck show podcast dot com or your boy Lightning at truck show podcast dot com.

2 (1h 33m 13s):

The truck show, The truck show, The truck show Whoa.

Sean P. Holman (1h 33m 19s):

And don’t forget to follow your favorite podcast and podcasters on Instagram. And that would be at Truck Show podcast at LBC Lightning and at Sean P Holman. And also, apparently you guys have been leaving comments on Spotify. So at the, I guess at the episode level, you can leave comments and we’ve got a 4.9 out from a hundred 72 people on Spotify.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 33m 40s):

Wait, what? Yeah, I didn’t even know that you could leave comments.

Sean P. Holman (1h 33m 43s):

So thanks guys. I’ll, I’ll read a couple of them here. We had episode 64, season two with the Lillian Als and John Mitchell said, always awesome. We had one from episode 70 from Josh. Great info. And the best anti-theft available were the ones who bypassed the unravel code and made the videos. I sent them an email with a 10,000 challenge. They’ve ignored them all. So, okay, that’s says the I of man. We got one from a monster Mustang Sean about the 24 Ranger Raptor awesome podcast. Can you please make one in Lime green and one like a six by six and Low Rider and Hot Wheels version and make sure you make tons of them in Hot Wheels and send ’em to every store out there in r drum and star Boise, Idaho with Badass Graphics.

Sean P. Holman (1h 34m 24s):

So there’s some fun stuff in here. Listen.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 34m 26s):

Leave comments, dude. If you guys, if you wanna drop a nugget of comedy, leave a comment and we’ll read it. That sounds fun. And listen, we, you guys know that Spotify’s taken over the world and we love it. So yes, apple has been dominant forever. If you guys listen on Android or Apple, whatever Spotify is, that’s my jam. I love the music quality there. They’re

Sean P. Holman (1h 34m 47s):

Number two now.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 34m 48s):

It’s good. And it should be, yeah, ’cause they deserve it. I love the audio quality. If you’re not an audio nerd, whatever, but I for streaming, it’s pretty damn good. No, it’s not flack, it’s not lossless, but it’s really pretty good. People will build playlists and I follow other people’s playlists and I get lost in the music. And I’m a music nerd and I love it. I love it, I love it. So Spotify, leave us a comment and a five star rating

Sean P. Holman (1h 35m 9s):

Please. And don’t forget to head over to truck show podcast dot com where you can check out the featured products page for awesome discounts. And any of you who bought EGR products, you can get a rebate. All that information is on truck show podcast dot com as well as our events calendar. So a bunch of stuff coming up in September. You got the Bronco super celebration, west Lifted Truck Nationals Fall, New Jersey Jeep Invasion. So much more. Right there at truck show podcast dot com under the event calendar. And then from there you can go right in and register and check out all the info from these events. Hope

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 35m 42s):

You enjoy all the hard work we put into it. So check it out. Alright,

Sean P. Holman (1h 35m 45s):

Thank you Nissan for being the presenting sponsor of The Truck. Show Podcast. So head on over to Nissan usa dot com or down to your local dealer where you can check out one of the best midsize trucks on the market in the new Nissan Frontier.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 35m 57s):

And if you’ve got a diesel pickup truck and you want to get some more longevity out of it, maybe some more power, head over to Banks Power dot com. Type in your year, make and model and find the parts that fit your

Sean P. Holman (1h 36m 5s):

Rig. Also, AMS oil has you covered with motor oil, lubricants, protectants, grease additives and more. If you’re looking for quality full synthetics, you can find out how AMS oil synthetic lubricants can save you money and time by helping your vehicle run better and last longer than with conventional oils at AMS oil dot com. When it comes to lubrication, AMS oil is the leader in synthetics.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 36m 24s):

And when you’re shopping for Tono covers, fender flares, window visors, hood guards, body side, moldings, cabs, boilers, sport parts, or undersea storage. EGR USA dot com is where you head. Big thanks to Austin Huffman for coming in and

Sean P. Holman (1h 36m 37s):

Quieting down your truck

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 36m 39s):

And quieting down my truck and waking up all of your neighbors. No,

Sean P. Holman (1h 36m 42s):

No, no. This is what’s hilarious. So you bring the TRX over, you’re absolutely like overjoyed that you have quiet mode. Now you roll into, it sounds like a plugged up hemi. Like just nothing special. And then after the show last week, you go out and because you have 17 alarm systems, you completely blast my neighborhood with 110 decibels of sirens and noises. ’cause your alarms hooked up to your pa. Yeah.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 37m 9s):


Sean P. Holman (1h 37m 10s):

Turned it off once. Turned on again. Turned it off twice. Turned on again, could not figure out how to leave. And were sitting on my street with your truck glaring. Here’s where happened. Unable to start it.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 37m 20s):

I know. Here’s what happened. I realized afterwards ’cause I was kind of a deer in the headlights. ’cause s first time it happened to me. So with the compu alarm, I have their alarm key fob like you’ve always had with an alarm key fob. And then I have my RAM key fob too. I forget for some reason I just space and I forget that I have an alarm.

Sean P. Holman (1h 37m 35s):

And an order of operations too.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 37m 37s):

And an order of operations. That alarm. Exactly. So what I did is because I had the factory key fob in my hand, I just reach up and here’s what made it worse, Holman. This is the part you don’t know. The prior day I was driving the banks’ RAM 3,500. So I was getting in and outta that truck all the time, all day long with the factory key fob opening. The door just unlocks, you know, ’cause of proximity. So I do the same thing with my truck. I just walk up and I grab the door. Of course, as soon as I open it, I hadn’t disarmed the com star. So it goes berserk and then I’m trying to disarm it, but I left the door open. I would disarm it, but the alarm would re-arm because the door still open thinking someone’s still trying to break in.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 38m 18s):

Had I just merely closed the door, it would’ve shut up and I could have disarmed it

Sean P. Holman (1h 38m 22s):

Instead, you were frazzled.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 38m 24s):

And it went up three times. And right now I can program through my Phoenix PA system, whether I wanted to do like the the police siren or the police horn. And the police horn is the most obnoxious. ’cause it just goes, ah,

Sean P. Holman (1h 38m 40s):

It’s ho. It’s horrible. It’s horrible. I literally walked back in my backyard in the pod shed and just waited for it to end. And I turned off. It was all the lights in my house. So he would look like he was associated

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 38m 49s):

With me was I was a little embarrassed. And I texted you afterwards and said I was sorry. ’cause I’m sure I woke up every one of the block. Oh

Sean P. Holman (1h 38m 55s):

Yeah. There was a lot of people that were wondering if you belong to me.

Jay “Lightning” Tilles (1h 38m 60s):

Yes, I do. Sadly. The Truck Show Podcast is a production of truck famous LLC. This podcast was created by Sean Holman and Jay Tillis with production elements by DJ Omar Kahn. If you like what you’ve heard, please open your Apple podcast or Spotify app and give us a five star rating. And if you’re a fan, there’s no better way to show your support than by patronizing our sponsors. Some vehicles may have been harmed during the making of this podcast.