In a world where outdoor enthusiasts cherish their favorite trails and off-road adventures, the onX Grant Program stands as great example of responsible stewardship.


This initiative, driven by onX, a company specializing in outdoor mapping and navigation, has set ambitious goals for 2023—to help secure or improve public access to 150,000 acres and to restore, secure or build 150 miles of trails.

Since its inception in 2018, the onX Grant Program has made remarkable strides, reaching 135,000 acres of improved access and contributing to the development of 133.3 miles of new or improved trails.

We spoke to Becky Marcelliano, Senior Access and Stewardship Marketing Manager for onX, about onX’s Grant Program. She began by telling us: “Outdoor recreation adds so much value to our lives, and we know we can’t take for granted access to our lands and trails. So at onX, we actively work to support initiatives that protect the access we have today and rally all off-roaders in responsible recreation to ensure the health of our favorite places. Long live the long, rocky dirt road.”


Preserving Our Outdoor Heritage
At the heart of onX’s Grant Program lies a deep appreciation for the great outdoors. The program has actively partnered with organizations like the Public Land Stewards of Bend, Oregon, in an endeavor spanning two years. Together they’ve funded large-scale cleanups in the Deschutes National Forest, removing an astonishing 750,000 pounds of trash.


Moreover, onX has elevated the off-road voice and expertise of co-founder Jeremy Evans, shedding light on the critical aspects of stewardship at events like the 2022 Symposium and a virtual masterclass. To further empower individuals, onX collaborated with Public Land Stewards of Bend to create a Downloadable Cleanup Guide, enabling communities to lead their own cleanup efforts.


Beyond the Bend
The impact of onX’s Grant Program extends far and wide, reaching various off-road projects across the nation. Recent beneficiaries include the Two Wolf Foundation’s Warrior Stewardship project in Douglas Hill OHV Area near Rexford, Montana, in partnership with Tread Lightly!


Also, the California Dial Sport Riders received support for their Frazier Park Trail Survey and Cleanup near Frazier Park, California, while Tread Lightly! partnered with onX for the Silver Creek Road Cleanup near Bullhead City, Arizona. The Loon Echo Land Trust in Rolfe Hill, Maine, also benefited from onX’s commitment to preserving outdoor access.



Program Impact
The onX Grant Program has been instrumental in supporting 44 projects in 18 states, with ongoing grant applications being processed. In particular, off-road enthusiasts can take pride in the following statistics:

  • The program has contributed to 10 off-road-related projects, resulting in over 15,000 acres secured for access, including motorized recreation trails.
  • Over 50 miles of off-roading trails have been secured or maintained.
  • Motorized recreation groups have cleaned up more than 10,000 acres of public land. 


Our Shared Responsibility
The off-road community understands the significance of access preservation. Losing access is a paramount concern, prompting enthusiasts to become stewards of their beloved trails.

Marcelliano adds: “The truth is, we need to actively work to preserve the off-roading experiences we love. At onX Offroad, if we can work to open and protect the access we have while inspiring all off-roaders to lean in to their personal responsibility of stewardship, we trust that together we’ll all have epic days for a long time.”

The health of our trails is a paramount factor in safeguarding access and adventures. Stewardship, a fundamental human duty, requires responsible recreation. Imagine the consequences if no one recreated responsibly. Conversely, picture a world where every individual, regardless of their outdoor pursuit, left no negative impact behind. That’s the vision the onX Grant Program strives to realize. 



Each Group Has a Role
Each recreational user group possesses unique strengths, making them invaluable contributors to our public lands. The motorized community in particular excels in leading large-scale cleanup efforts, hauling out substantial debris that smaller vehicles or those solely on foot cannot handle.

Whether it’s a mattress or an old refrigerator, it takes off-road vehicles to haul large and heavy items away. The efforts of off-roaders leading community cleanup events deserve recognition and encouragement. 



A Personal Commitment
The onX Grant Program’s existence within the onX ecosystem stems from a deep personal commitment to off-roading. The onX team actively works to support initiatives that protect current access and rally all off-roaders in responsible recreation, ensuring the long-term health of cherished trails. 

“It’s pretty neat that onX Offroad dedicates so many resources, research and funding to access and stewardship initiatives,” Marcelliano points out. “But our ultimate win would be for us to inspire off-roaders and the industry at large to rally together in this work. I think it’s happening, and I’m grateful every day to be a small part of it.” We couldn’t agree more.



To learn more about the onX Grant Program or to apply for a grant to help clean up and maintain an area near you, visit:


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